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*Mason's POV*

I was sitting on the couch cuddiling with Alice when Jasper came in the room.

"Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that Ariana's coming over this afternoon. She wanted to formaly meet the family." He said.

"What! Why didn't you tell me? I need to figure out what to wear. I need to figure out what to say. Should I tell her what I am? Does she know what you are? Should I tell her how I know you? I'm freaking out right now!" I half screamed and half yelled at Jasper.

"Yes she knows what we are and you can tell her the answers to the other two questions but only if you are comfortable." Jasper said while trying to calm me down with his power.

"Japer, I apreacite your effort but PLEASE stop tyring to calm me down because I don't want to be calm, I want to freak out!" I yelled at him while trying to breathe properly.

"Hey, it's ok. Go upstairs to get changed and the figure out what to do after that, ok?" Alice said to me in a calming voice.

I nodded and gave her a quick kiss. Then I ran upstairs to get changed and think about what to say.

*Ariana's POV*

I got dressed, ready for Jasper to come and get me, excited to meet his family. Bella was coming with us so she could see her boyfriend, Edward, but she had already met the family. I was nervous that they weren't going to like me but Jasper assured me they would.

We reached the house and I marvelled at how beautiful it was. We went through the front door and some of the family were waiting for us in the kitchen.

"Ariana this is Carlisle and Esme, and Rosalie and Emmet." Jasper said to me.

"Hi." I said with a nervous smile.

"Hello Ariana, we're so happy to have you here." Esme said.

"Should we go say hi to Alice and her girlfriend in the next room?" Jasper asked me.

"Yeah sure." I replied.

We walked into the next room where on the couch sat Alice and her girlfriend. I looked at the girl next to Alice and I froze. My eyes were wide and my mouth was hanging open in a half smile (like picture at beggining). I was sure that I looked ridiculous.

"How did? What are you? Why are you? I, what?" I said sounding ridiculous even to my own ears.

"Hi Ari." Mason said looking slightly nervous for my reaction.

"Mason!!" I yelled and then I ran to hug her. She hugged me back.

"I've got like a thousand questions for you." I told her.

"Good thing we've got a lot of time." She said with my favourite goofy smile.

So I sat down next to her and started to talk.

A/N - Hey guys. Sorry for the extra long chapter. What questions do you think Araiana should ask Mason? What do you think of this chapter?
- Isabel

Daisy A. CullenWhere stories live. Discover now