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September 19, 1996

"Thanks for the ride, Billy. I really appreciate it."

Sidney turns her head toward me from the passenger seat of my beat up car, her hands fidgeting with a keychain on her bag. Her bangs fall into her eyes slightly, and I can't help but wonder if she's doing it on purpose. 

"It's no problem, Sid, I already told you," I respond with my eyes trained on my rearview mirror. 

"I know, but..." She hesitates, dropping the keychain. I can see out of my peripheral that she's staring at me intently. Part of me wants to look at her, but another part wants to just get out of the car and head into school without her. "I just feel bad about asking so last minute. I didn't know my dad was headed to work early today."

"Listen, it's cool. I really don't mind."

She sighs quietly. I think she can tell that I actually do mind. 

I still look through my mirror, studying the scene I see before me: students walking into school with their friends, couples making out on the lawn, teachers getting out of their own cars and eyeing everyone with disdain. It's all shit I've seen before, but anything is better than making eye contact with the girl that currently sits in my car. Speaking of which...

"Oh, I see Tatum and Stu." Sidney opens her door and throws her bag onto one shoulder before hopping down. I finally tear my eyes away and follow her gaze. 

Stu Macher has been my best friend since middle school — we met during detention, when he had played a nasty prank on our teacher. How did I end up in detention? It's bullshit. I laughed louder than everyone else when she got a bucket of water poured on her head, and she decided that I was partially responsible. The best part about that day wasn't Stu and I becoming friends, but the fact that our teacher decided to wear a thin, white shirt that same day. Christ, we couldn't stop laughing at the stupid cheetah-print bra she was wearing. Since then, Stu and I have been pretty tight, even if he does get on my nerves sometimes. I mean, the guy is basically a 6-foot tall toddler with an extreme sex drive, so he can get pretty obnoxious. 

Tatum Riley, on the other hand, is a pretty chill person. We met around freshman year but didn't really start hanging out until she and Stu got together last year. She's alright, I guess — we don't talk very often, but we're friendly. Her brother is a deputy in town, even though he's barely older than me. I always thought he was kind of a loser, with his stupid mustache and a weird superiority complex. I think Tatum agrees with me, but she's too much of a coward to say it to his face. 

Sidney and I make our way across the parking lot toward our friends. She waves animatedly at Tatum, who smirks back. Stu's got one of his skinny arms around her waist, and the other dangles uselessly at his side. He grins at me as I walk up, and I slap one of my hands on his shoulder. "G'morning, Macher," I say, squeezing. He winces slightly, but keeps his goofy grin.

"Billy, good to see you here... on time," Stu teases, shrugging my hand away. Tatum and I make eye contact, and she nods with a small smirk. "Yeah, Loomis. Didn't think you'd actually make it today."

I roll my eyes and scoff slightly, trying to pull my focus away from their jests. I rarely come to school in the mornings. Honestly, if Sidney hadn't called and asked me for a ride, I would still be asleep right now. 

Sidney Prescott and I have been friends since our freshman year as well, but it's been a little different between us. For one, her mom fucked my dad, which made being her friend pretty damn hard. It's still hard for me to even look at Sidney, knowing her mother is the reason mine left. 

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