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October 14, 1996

It's been a little over a week, and personally, I think things are going great. Sure, it started off a little rocky with Sidney and whatnot, but it's nothing that I can't handle.

It goes like this: after fourth period, I walk from my science class over to the double doors leading to the courtyard. Charlotte is always waiting by said doors, looking all cute and nervous like usual. Then, we'll walk over to the fountain together and join up with Sidney, Tatum, and Stu. Randy's always running late since he comes from gym class and has to shower before he joins us.  Stu and I will go and get lunch, leaving Charlotte to fend Tatum off from any gossip or annoying questions. After that, we all just eat and talk until the bell rings. It's nice.

Except... Charlotte hasn't really been talking. All she does is stare at her feet. She never has lunch, and even though I offer to buy her something every day, she just politely declines. She'll usually just quietly listen to our conversations and nod along, and if someone asks her a question or anything, she'll just say, "Uh-huh," or, "Nah." 

I'm going to try and make lunch today better for her. This morning, I made her promise me that she'd buy herself some lunch with the five dollars I gave her, so our routine changed up a little. Now, I'm sitting at the fountain, waiting for my girl. 

"Why're you so nervous?"

I tear my eyes away from the doors leading to the cafeteria and face Stu, who stares at me with a bemused expression and a mouthful of half-chewed pizza. 


"I get it, Billy," Stu says, clasping a hand on my shoulder. "Charlotte's still warming up to the group. Give her some time."

I'm a little shocked at how sincere Stu is being. It's jarring, to be honest. 

"Yeah, Billy," Sidney adds, scooting closer to me. "I'm sure she's just nervous. I mean, it's not like she had any friends before this."

"Jesus, Sidney, putting it all out there, huh?" Tatum says, slightly alarmed. I fix Sidney with a hard glare before turning my attention back to the doors just in time to see a pleasantly familiar figure. 

Charlotte's walking over quickly, scanning the courtyard for any others whispering about her or laughing. She's got a red lunch tray in her hands and stacked on it are a bottle of water, an apple, and a slice of the pizza being served today. Thank God, she actually bought some food for herself. I get worried that she's not eating enough, but I'm trying to not be overbearing. 

Our eyes finally meet, and a small smile appears on her face. Her pace speeds up, focused on joining me. It makes me unbelievably happy that she smiles when she sees me. That's all I could've asked for. 

Suddenly, a blur obstructs my vision as it runs past Charlotte, and before I know it—


I'm on my feet, rushing to her side as she kneels to the ground and picks up her spilled tray. The blur slows to reveal a group of four guys, all wearing letterman jackets and goofy grins. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

One of them stares down at me, obviously amused by the scene he's created. I can hear an extra pair of footsteps running up behind me, but I don't focus on Stu's sudden presence. I'm too busy waiting for the guy's response.

"Just a little fun, Loomis," he replies, crossing his arms. Stu steps closer. "What's your deal, man? She didn't do anything to you."

"She didn't have to. Easy target, all alone and awkward."

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