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September 29, 1996

"813 Richmond Road- Jesus Christ, put that shit down!"

I throw the phone back on the hook and chase Davey down, trying my best to avoid the the spilled dirt on the hardwood floors. My brother just keeps running, running after his friend with a giant grin on his face and his cheeks flushed crimson. 

"Come on, Davey, before she catches us!" Mike screams, rounding the corner into Davey's room. I slide on the floor, my socks not giving me much traction, and ram my shoulder directly into the wall where my idiot brother was just standing. I curse under my breath, rubbing the area I just hit and glare after the two boys. Why the fuck did I agree to this shit?

After taking a few deep and calming breaths, I meander back to the sight of the destroyed plant and get down on my knees. The soil stains my jeans as I lean over in an attempt to scoop up the mess, bits of broken ceramic mixed in with the dying leaves and stems of the old greenery. I can hear the boys giggling in Davey's room, which only irks me more. God, this fucking blows. 

I've babysat Mike and Davey before, so I guess I knew what I was getting into, but this is easily the worst they've ever been. Mike brought some candy from home which they shared before I could notice, and that explains why they have much more energy than usual. That, plus the fact that I'm sleep-deprived and behind on homework, is making me lose my patience fast

A loud knocking noise comes from Davey's room, followed by the pounding of footsteps. "Charlotte, we're hungryyyy!" Mike whines, waving around an action figure in his right hand. It almost takes Davey's eye out, but he doesn't seem to notice. "Yeah, c'mon, you said you'd start dinner already!"

"I was going to, but it appears something else has popped up," I say sarcastically, gesturing at the broken pot. Davey just laughs while Mike rolls his eyes. "Why can't you two just... I don't know, sit down and watch cartoons? Or read comics? Or literally anything else besides running around and causing damage?"

"Because that's boring," Davey replies, scuffing his socks on the floor and kicking up some of the dirt. It lands on my own feet, adding more stains to my clothing. I take another deep breath, trying to calm the bubbling anger that rises in my stomach and chest. I'm not gonna hit these kids, I'm not gonna hit these kids....

"If you want dinner so badly, why don't you pick up this mess and I can start cooking?"

The boys glance at each other... and start laughing. Is this really happening to me right now?!

"Okay, fine! Fuck! Go to Davey's room and hang out while I do everything, you fucking brats!"

"I don't think my mom would like hearing that you're cussing in front of us, Charlotte," Mike says in a sing-song taunt, cocking his head to the side with a smirk. I can feel the color drain from my face. 

"Uh... please don't." That's all I can say without cursing again.

"Hmmm," he thinks and taps his chin. "Okay, but only because I know you're poor."

I'm sorry... what?!

"Excuse me?" I question, eyes wide and my arms crossed over my chest. Davey looks just as shocked. 

"I heard my mom saying how much you need money, and she gives you some whenever I come over. My dad said you guys are poor."

It takes every fiber of my being to not snap this kid's neck. Instead, I just bite my lip and hold back a wave of incoming tears. I really just got insulted by a ten year old. 

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