Cupid appointment

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No ones pov:

"ADORA UP GET!" Frosta yelled

"Ughh" Adora groaned

"U have to drive me to school bc APPARENTLY I can't do it"

"Ugh..glad u got the memo" Adora said as she rubbed her eyes

"Oh and adora do-do u think I could m-maybe hang out with u and ur friends today?" Frosta asked

"Why? What's wrong with ur friends?" Adora asked as she sat up on her bed

"They-they honestly aren't good friends...apparently they talk ab me behind my back.."

"Who r they? I'll kill 'em" Adora said while pulling her dagger out form underneath her pillow "nobody picks on my sister but me"

"Adora...put the dagger down...u crazy assface" Frosta said and adora slowly put the dagger back under her pillow

"Well to answer ur question ofc u can hang out with us for a while" Adora said as she got out of bed then she hugged Frosta

"O-ok u don't need to hug me"

"Get used to it asshole"

"Ughh adoraaaa!" Frosta whined

"Ok ok! Crybaby! I'll be down in a sec"

"Kk! And..thanks..ig"

"Yeah sure"

(Time skip)

"Ok I'm ready let's go asshole" Adora said


"Yeah adora language!" Frosta said

"Sorry" Adora said "but let's go!" Adora said as she opened the door and Frosta walked out

"Bye mom! Love u"

"Love u to" Mara said then adora closed the door and walked over to her car "come on asshole" Adora said

"LANGUAGE!" Mara yelled

"How did she hear me..." Adora whispered


(Forgot prime knows all- Mara knows all.)

No ones pov:

"K we're here" Adora said as she got out of her car

"ADORA FROSTA HEY!!" Glimmer yelled as she ran over to adora and Frosta

"Hey glimmer" Adora said "where's everyone else?"

"I dunno maybe the-"

"WERE HERE!" Lonnie yelled

"Lonnie here HAD to get some candy from the vending machine" Catra said while rolling her eyes

"It's candy! I couldn't resist"

"U guys are so weird" Frosta said

"Oh catra this is Frosta my sister" Adora said and Frosta waved to catra

"I'm gonna call u frost bite" Catra said

"then I'll call u a furry"


"IM NOT FROST BITE!" Frosta yelled

"I'm still calling U frost bite"

"WHY U LITTLE-" Frosta said but she was cut off by someone

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