Cupids Problem

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Tw: mention of death

No ones pov:

It's been a month since Brittany came to bright moon high Brittany has been hanging out with adora to get advice on how to ask catra out and ofc adora gives her pretty bad advice

"Adora if u don't hurry up! I don't wanna be late for class!" Bow said

"Ok! Ok I'm almost done"

"YK WHAT!" Bow said then he went into Adoras locker took out her books and put them in Adoras hands then he slammed her locker shut and out the lock on it "THERE WE GO!"

"Thanks...I think"

"Dp u guys wanna be late?" Catra asked as she wakes up to them

"NO! But ur little girlfriend won't hurry up!" Bow said and both adora and catra blushed

"Sh-sh-she's not m-"

"Yeah yeah she's not ur girlfriend yada yada yada let's go to class!" Bow said then he took Adora and Catras arms and dragged them to class

"I'm gonna drop my books!" Adora said while laughing

(Time skip)

"FINALLY lunch time!" Glimmer said as she sat down at the table

"I've been starving" Maddy said as she took a bite of her pizza "this taste horrible...ima till eating it tho"

"School lunch always sucks that's why u should bring lunch from home! Like me and catra" Lonnie said

"Exactly this lunch sucks" Catra said as she took a bite of her apple

"Adora u ok?" Bow asked

"I'm fine just tired" Adora said as she took a half of Lonnie's sandwich


"Hey lon" Adora said then she took a bite of the sandwich "rihws fs jood"

"HEY GUYS!" Brittany yelled as she walked over to the table "sorry I'm late!" She said as she sat down next to catra

"It's fine" glimmer said

"Hey uhh catra can I ask u something?"

"Yeah sure" Catra said as she took another bite of her apple

"Will...will u go out with me?" Brittany said and catra choked on her apple and maddy quickly patted her back

"Excuse me?"

"W-will u go out with me? I really like you...a lot actually!!"

'WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?' Adora thought to herself

"C-can we talk ab this later Brittany"

"Why? D-do u not like me?"

"I'll talk u to about it later..." catra said and the table went silent everyone was looking at Brittany in complete shock

"Awkward..." bow whispered

"Tell me about it.." glimmer whispered back and bow laughed


"HEY! Only I call him crop top" catra said then Brittany groaned and got up from the table

"Look at u defending me!!" Bow said

"Shut up!" Catra said

"U like me! U actually like me!!" Bow said then he got up and hugged catra

"I don't like you" Catra said while trying to get out the hug

(Time skip)

"Brittany about what happened at lunch.." catra said Brittany and catra were in the bathroom obviously trying to talk ab what happened at lunch

"I know! U don't like me.." Brittany said "why?"

"I-I like someone else...I think...I really don't know it's complicated ok!?" Catra said as she crossed her arms then Brittany laughed bitterly

"This is all Adoras fault! Her and her STUPID Cupid advice!"

"No! It's not Adoras fault I just don't like you"



"UGH! I HATE U AND ALL UR STUPID FRIENDS!" Brittany said then she stormed out of the bathroom catra stood there for a second but then she heard a bang from outside she jumped and ran out of the bathroom to see what was happening

"THIS IS UR FAULT!" Someone said the voice came from the other hall so catra ran over there and when she got there she saw Brittany and Adora

Adora was backed up against the lockers and Brittany was standing in front of her and Brittany looked mad

"I told u to wait it's not my fault!" Adora said then Brittany pushed her further into the lockers "what is wrong with u? I thought u were my friend?"

"like I'd be friends with you!" Brittany said

"LEAVE HER ALONE BRITTANY!" Glimmer yelled as she walked over to them with maddy Lonnie bow behind her

"I already told u it wasn't her fault!" Catra said as she walked over two them

"I told u to wait but noooo u HAD to rush it!"

"Brittany why don't they go somewhere and die get ur hands off my baby!!" Lonnie said

"Oh like her dad died?" Brittany said while looking at adora and everyone went silent "that's what I thought" She said Brittany started to back away from adora she tried to walk away but lonnie ran over to her and punched her

"U NASTY HOBO" Lonnie yelled as she punched Brittany again

"IM BLEEDING!" Brittany yelled then she got up and ran away

"Adora are u o-" Lonnie said but she cut herself off when she saw that adora wasn't there "where'd she go?"

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