New found feelings

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No ones pov:

Brittany and catra have been hanging out for a few days now and Adoras not to happy about it

"UGH why am I mad about this?" Adora said to glimmer as she looked at catra and Brittany laughing "what are they even laughing about!"

" u think I could be I dunno jealous?"

"PFT WHAT? Me? Jealous of Brittany? NO" Adora said

"Well u do get mad every time u see them together"

"That- is...true..but it doesn't mean I'm jealous!" Adora said while crossing her arms

"No little Cupid baby had a crush!" Glimmer said sarcastically

"I do not have a crush!" Adora said then she looked over at catra again and saw her smiling and laughing and adora smiled

"Adora...u look lovesick"

"I do not!" Adora said while looking away from catra and back over to glimmer "I don't. Like her...sure she's funny smart has an amazing laugh an amazing smile and the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen...juts bc she makes me happy all the t-" Adora said but she cut her self off "omg..I do like catra.."

"FINALLY! Frosta better have my money ready"

(Time skip)

"Hey adora!" Catra said as she sat down next to her

"Oh hey catra!"

"I'm tired! I don't wanna be here anymore!"

"We could skip" Adora said while shrugging

"U? Skipping class? I don't BELIVE it"

"Well the teachers not here yet" Adora said as she stood up "come on!" She said as she held a hand out to catra, catra looked at Adoras hand then she liked back up at Adoras face and smirked then she took Adoras hand and they both walked out of the classroom

"Go in the bathroom!" Catra said and they both walked into the bathroom " I can't BELIVE u did that!" Catra said while laughing

"What do we do now?"

"I dunno..juts chill ig"

"Sooo...what's up with u and Brittany?"

"What do u mean?"

"I dunno..I mean u two have been talking ...a lot"

"Yeah...I like her"

"You-u like Brittany?"

"Yeah..WAIT no! Not like THAT as a friend I mean" Catra said and adora sighed out of relief

(Time skip)

School was finally over! And adora was outside of the school waiting for the rest of the group

"Hey adora!" Brittany said as she ran up to her "I uhh.. I heard u were Cupid around here and I wanted to ask for some advice!" She said as she smiled

"Uhh yeah sure"

"Well there's this girl I like I think Yk her her names catra" Brittany said and Adoras heart sank

'why catra' Adora thought to herself out off all the girls in this school  it just HAD TO HE CATRA?

"Yeah Ik her!"

"Ok well I think she likes me.." Brittany said

'Trust me..she doesn't" Adora thought to herself

"And I want to ask her out! So how should I do that?"

"U shouldn't!"


"Yeah! U shouldn't ask her out"

"What why not?" Brittany asked

'Ugh! Think adora think!'

" U just met her! Like last week! U should wait at least 3 NO 10 months..then u can ask her.."

"Oh.." Brittany said while looking a bit disappointed "that doesn't sound like good advice" she said

"Well u can wait and give catra time to get to know u better or u can rush things" Adora said

"Ok! I can wait thanks adora" Brittany said

"Yeah no problem that's what friends are for right?"


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