Chapter 21: Time's up

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I was sleeping peacefully into the night when I was woken up by a sudden bout of coughing. I got out of my bed and made my way downstairs and was just going to reach over for my water-jug when I heard footsteps nearby.

I whipped around and before I could analyse what was happening, someone had grabbed me from behind and before I could shout for help, the person had stuffed a hankerchief into my mouth to stop me from doing so.

I tried to fight back but it was of no use for my mysterious kidnapper had locked my hands behind me and throwing me onto the sofa in the living room, he pressed my body down on it with his full weight. It was if I was being hugged in a strangled way for there was nothing I could do to to rescue myself from his hold.

He pulled up my head as I gulped in huge amounts of fresh air. Then, I felt something sharp being placed in an angle on my neck which I presumed to be a razor. My captor brought his face a little bit closer to my head and said, hot air blowing from his mouth onto the back of my neck, "My master, Mr. D'Cruz, wishes to convey his wishes for a happy journey to heaven. A pity that a man like you should die so young but duties first."

I felt the razor more sharper and close into my neck now as I began to prepare myself for death. This was it. I was going to die and there was nothing I could do too stop it. In a flash, I felt a pain as the razor was swiped across my throat. I fell down to the ground, yelling with pain and then, opened my eyes, slowly.

Everything was dark. I got up.

Weird. Am I in heaven or hell?

"BOO!" someone shouted which startled me so much, I almost lost my baalance as I whipped arounnd in the direction of the voice. Laughter erupted as a light came on, revealing so many things.

1) I was not dead.

2) I was still in the living room.

3) Sarah, Jane and Jake were standing infront of me, helpless with laughter.

"A tiny bit early since it's only 11:58 pm but we just couldn't stop ourselves so HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY, HARRIS!" Jane said, now laughing more loudly with the others.

"Oh, you idiots! Wait till I get my hands on you." I said, lunging firstly at Jane.

"Eeeks! Help!" Jane screamed with tears of laughter running down her cheeks as she scampered off along with the others. In the end, we all ended up on the ground, throwing cushions and pulling at each other's hair, helpless with laughter until a totally shocked-Mom rushed in, looking quite angry at first. Then, she also started laughing though it was not for long for she immediately became serious, shooing Jake and Jane back to their house and Sarah and me to our beds.

"Kids these days!" she muttered quite annoyed but amused.


Hehehehe, Happy April Fool's Day everyone! Hope you all enjoyed your trieat (trick+treat). I will be updating 'Crumpled' again, very soon.

Laugh! Be crazy! Be weird! Be AWESOME!

Jude :D

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