Chapter 4: Some Exciting Announcements

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3 months had passed......

I had my mid-term exams and did good in all of them and Roger was as usual, jealous of me because I had beat him again.

''You better watch out, loser! One of these days, I will break into your locker and burn your books!!'' threatened Roger.

''Its not my problem if you get lower marks than me! If you had studied much better, perhaps you could have beaten me!'' I said loudly as he stormed out of the class, his Maths paper in his hands.

Probably, he must have gone to Mrs. Clara to beg for more marks!

Urgh! Why? Why did he have this much hatred towards me? What did I do to him? Roger came to this school when I was in the 5th grade. He was my classmate and as fas as I could remember, he and I were on good terms until our 1st mid-term exams' results came out which showed that I had scored more marks than him on each and every subject.

That brought out his true colors and he started accusing me that I had copied and that I should have got less marks than him since I seemed to know practically nothing. I was so horrified by what he had said and ever since then, he has been always teasing and and throwing paper balls at me.

I tried to reason with him that we get marks on the basis of how much we had studied and answered the questions on the exam paper but he would just not admit that it was a simple case of a terrible ego. It was around this time that Frank and Dean formed a strong friendship with him, poisoning his mind by telling tales that I was such a big fraud even though I appeared to be innocent.

Sigh! Even though it was rare that I hated anybody other than my dad, those two were the next two persons I mostly hated with my own heart for breaking Roger's friendship with me. But it was also around this time that my friendship with Jake had become even more stronger and closer.

I know I said that we were friends from kindergarten itself but we were not really that much close friends until 5th grade. It was during this time that Jake came and stood by my side as Roger made false accusations against me before everyone in my class!

Sigh! I guess its no use moping and cribbing about all this now.

Suddenly, I got a start as Jake shook me; ''Listen! Its an annoucement'' he said.

I pricked up my ears and so did everyone. The hustle and bustle in the corridor had become still. Jake and I were standing in the corridor along with the others since it was lunchtime. There was a loudspeaker on one of the walls above the Principal's room in the corridor.

It was the Principal sir, Mr. Robert, who was announcing. It was just a short but important announcement; ''All teachers and students are requested to assemble in the auditorium, immediately.'' 

There was some mumbling and whispers after this announcement was made and continued till-


God! Even though she may have a nice name, she was as fierce as a lion! I felt that a hundred drums had banged in my mind and it took me a while to realize what was going on. Jake pulled me away to the auditorium and there was some rushing and pulling there.

Finally, everything subsided and Jake and I got the middle seats. Mr. Robert walked onto the stage. He had a mike in his hand and smiled. Though nobody would notice, I smiled back at him.

Jake rolled his eyes; ''Really? Why would you smile when you clearly know he would not notice that!'' he whispered to me.

''Well, there's no harm in smiling back, is there?'' I shot at him, in a whisper.

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