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4- Kidnapped By Vampires Again? But it's... Oh Well.


Sorry about the delay guys. I've had some things goin on here at home. But here's part 4, hope you like it! The song is complements of the wonderful man that is Jaejoong.


How the hell do I always get in these situations? I mean seriously. I just threw myself at a man whom I hate. Can this be any more ridiculous? Ugh. I shiver under Cai's jacket that he gave me. Breathing in deeply of his scent I try to calm my nerves. There was always something off about David. Something I couldn't quite explain. Now I know. He's bat-shit crazy.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now," Cai barely whispers. Goosebumps form on my arm as I feel power emanating from his body.

David laughs heartily, not seeming fazed. After a few seconds he suddenly stops and looks up at Cai.

"Because you can't." He straightens up and squares his shoulders toward us. I glance up at Cai knowing he's definitely not going to like that answer. His eyes flash red in response.

A scream echoes in the room and I snap my eyes back to David. One of his arms lies limply to one side, blood gushing down to the floor. I blanch and turn my head into Cai's chest. He puts an arm around me and brushes his hand through my hair calmly.

"That's not a sufficient reason, Saylen. Ren, Adam, take Dylan and Lilly back to the truck and drive back home." Cai barks out orders.

"Go with your brother, love." He whispers to me and kisses my temple. I stand there confused for a second. Go with who?

"Come on Lilly." Daniel grabs onto my arm and pulls me away. I glance back at Cai who's standing rigidly by himself now staring David down. He looks up into my eyes and a calm floods over him for a second. Maybe as not to frighten me, I don't know, but it does make me feel better instantly. I let Daniel drag me the rest of the way and we start to head back home, Dylan sitting stonily next to Derrick. This, is going to be a long drive.


"You called me by my name. Why now suddenly?" He says with only a little edge of strain in his voice. After he popped his arm back in place, it started to heal instantly.

"David is a name fit for a king. Literally. You do not deserve a name such as that." I reply back. "Now, you never seemed to answer my question. Why should I let you live? You manipulated Adam, lusted after his sister who I had no idea even lived yet you said I did, killed her father and told Adam I did it, using his hatred for me to your benefit, you poisoned me, making sure I didn't die but was crippled for some time, took away my entire household, got Adam to kidnap Lilly, killed their mother passing it off as me again, tried to turn Lilly and failed, kidnapped Dylan, turned him somehow, lured Lilly out here , and then tried to force yourself on what's MINE. Give me a reason Saylen, why your life is valuable to me at this point." With every word I feel my anger growing to the point where I can't hold it in anymore. The window shatters in response.

"How dare you say she's yours. She was never yours!" He screams at me as his red eyes bulge in hatred and anger.

I scoff. "That's where you're wrong. Why do you think it was so easy for that mark to wear off after she met me? I originally thought that it was because you just weren't strong enough to mark her very well, but no, it's because I was close to her at the the time in the school. It wore off too fast for it not to have been." I smirk at him, pleased as I see his eyes widen even more.

"But I-love her. I did everything so I could be with her. Her and her alone!" Panic seeps into his voice, all confidence earlier gone from him.

"You fool. Her blood is alluring to you because I'm her Bloodmate. All of you are sired to me so of course you, Dylan, and Derrick would feel after effects of it. Adam's the exception as he has her same blood being her brother. It's also why he is the most powerful of all of you and why he was the last boy I turned. He was supposed to replace my failure of an offspring until YOU had to come between it!" The arm Saylen had just healed breaks again and twists at a weird angle. He screams out in pain.

Kidnapped By Vampires Again? But it's... Oh Well. (NOT New Book)( Same as 1st)Where stories live. Discover now