11- Obstructed

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11- Kidnapped by Vampires Again? But it's... Oh Well.


"Lilly? Lilly, wake up." A low voice whispers in my ear. Pleasure blooms in my stomach as soon as I hear it. Reaching out, I grab on to the voice's owner and pull him into me even closer.

"Almost finished Lilly. I need you to wake up." He plants a kiss on my forehead and I concede. Opening my eyes I see the room surrounded with people. In shock, I sit up suddenly and catch a glimpse at my arm. I let out a breath in awe. It's beautiful. More so than the one Saylen gave me by tenfold.

"Cai, it's amazing," I say as I study my right arm closely. This one is very delicate and refined. Almost as if this has always belonged engraved on my body. Looking up at Cai, I see that he has one now too, just on his left arm. His is more dominant in nature and clearly exudes masculinity which makes him even more ridiculously sexy.

"It's so surreal Cai. I feel as though I've seen it before," I say as I glance down at the new addition to my arm then back up to him.

Cai smiles faintly as he runs his fingertips gently down my arm.

"Now. How are you going to kill me?" I say, cutting straight to the chase.

I look at Cai questioningly and I see him tense up in anger. Adam steps forward. "I've agreed to do it even though it will be very hard. A simple twist of the neck is all it takes."

"I'm so sorry Lilly. It's all her fault. I swear if she-," Adam cuts Cai off.

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen. Are you ready?" My brother sits beside me and rests a hand on my shoulder.

I look over at Cai and give him a sad smile. Trying to reassure him but realizing my human life is coming to an end any moment. I start shaking but quickly nod my head and squint my eyes shut. Cool hands are placed on the side of my face and I take a deep breath. Which I guess is my last one as a human.

After what seems an eternity I feel a jerk and my mind goes dark.


"Melaine." I turn around and grin at my lover. "Where are we going?" Caiaphas asks calmly.

"You'll see." I continue to lead him through the narrow passageways to our destination.

"You know I don't like surprises." Suddenly I'm pushed against the dark wall and luscious lips press into mine. My mark tingles slightly at the stimulation from its companion but I squelch it's pleas for attention for now. There's time for that later.

I press a hand against his chest and pull away. "Don't try to distract me, love. I need to show you something. It's important." I say adamantly.

Caiaphas concedes and let's me go of everything but my hand where he places one last kiss on the area where my blood pulsates, sending warmth through my body all at once. I shiver in pleasure but I lead him the rest of the way there.

Opening the large wooden doors I pull him inside.

"The Great Library. Why here?" He asks me, confused.

"I found something about us. Well not specifically about us, but about what we are to each other," I explain.

"Really? I thought there had been no others before us." Caiaphas says skeptically.

I walk over to where I had been reading just hours before this. "According to this book, we're not. And there's also something else." I sit down and pat the seat next to me, beckoning him over.

"What is it?" He sits and folds his hand into mine. Our marks perfectly flowing together between us.

"Apparently our markings are so fated that they can even transcend time." I smile at him happily.

Caiaphas furrows his brows at me. "Don't we already do that? We don't die, love."

"Yes I know. But that doesn't mean we can't die. My brother and I may be some of the oldest of our kind, but that doesn't mean we're invincible. Lately I have been fearing for our lives. Something is not right with our advisors. I don't trust them. My spies tell me some of them have been meeting with that seductress Reylana." I frown and grasp his hand tighter.

"She can't hurt you Mel," he says as he pulls me into his chest.

"I wish I could believe that. But I'm growing weaker Caiaphas and I don't know why. Taro too. This morning I coughed up blood after I drank from my servant. My body is rejecting it." Tears well up in my eyes and I'm disgusted with myself. How can this be happening? My brother and I have been ruling for five centuries now. We built this empire. Now look at me.

"I'll figure this out, love. I won't let anyone hurt you. If it makes you feel better, tell me more about how it works," he says gently.

I smile contentedly and snuggle up to him, explaining for the next hour all about it.


"Wake up."

Jolted awake, I put a hand to my aching head and sit up.

"I've never understood Caiaphas. The fact that he actually chose you is beyond me." A female voice as sweet as syrup greets my throbbing temples.

I finally am able to open my eyes and I look over at the owner of it. It belongs to a woman lying down beside me in a beautiful robe that hangs around her frame gracefully. She smiles at me and slowly sits up to look me in the eyes.

Something inside me screams for me to do something. But I'm not sure what. Fight or flight? It seems my body is arguing with itself between the two.

"Who are you and where am I?" I grit my teeth and stare at her coldly.

She smiles that same smile at me and places her hand on the side of my face. "You can call me Lana and this is my home. For now."

"Okay...Well what am I doing here?" I quietly scream for Cai in my head. The mark on my arm is burning like heck and I'm pretty sure he would not like me paying a visit to this woman when he was so adamant about turning me.

"As soon as that mark has worn off I'm going to turn you. That's what. Who knew that I would one day control the great Melaine Vianelli? Of course, if something happens that I can't turn you, I'll kill you and your brother all over again. And this time, I'll make sure you stay dead."

I stare at her blankly. I understood none of that.

"My name is Lilly O'Brate. I'm pretty sure you kidnapped the wrong person. So if you don't mind. I'll be on my way. I was getting ready to turn into a bloodsucking monster when you interrupted so Cai is probably pissed. And that's never a good thing." I hop off the bed and make a beeline for the door but am stopped when I get thrown into the opposite wall and the breath is knocked out of me.

"You remember nothing?" She kneels don beside me and clasps her hand on my chin and forces me to look at her dark violet eyes.

Like I can seriously answer a question when I'm struggling to breathe. Is she stupid? Taking my silence as a yes she starts laughing loudly and let's me go.

Her and Saylen must have shared tips because she's just as crazy.

Cai where the heck are you?

"I should've known. Caiaphas was just as clueless when I turned him. And fate brought you two together again of course." The room suddenly starts shaking and in her anger a picture falls off the wall and crashes to the floor. Glass shatters everywhere and I see my chance.

It's totally crazy but what the hell. I was gonna die anyway. In a considerably less painful way but dead nonetheless. So without further ado, I pick up a shard of glass from the trembling ground and place it at my throat.

I savor my last breath as a human. Let's hope it really is this time.

Kidnapped By Vampires Again? But it's... Oh Well. (NOT New Book)( Same as 1st)Where stories live. Discover now