Chapter 4

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"So you didn't do this to me?" Hyunjin asked me calming down a little bit. He was still in my body

"Ofcourse not! I'm confused too" I said

"What do we do" Asked Hyunjin

"I don't know. Can we meet after school in X cafè?" I asked him as PE was about to start.

I suddenly felt two heavy arms around me I turned around in surprise and saw Felix and Jisung.
"Guys!" I said in a little loud voice.

"What? Did we scare you?" They both said in unison.

And we just laughed it off.
We had PE with Jeonin, Hana and          Y/N(hyunjin) and we had fun. I was getting along with the guy in my body.

He wasn't playing like a boy and I wasn't playing like a girl. Our movements.. they were controlling themselves. We had no controll over them,
"atleast people can't know" I muttered under my breath and started playing again

After PE- Felix, Jisung and I went to the restroom to wash off the sweat. I hesitated to enter but Felix dragged me in. I washed my face really quick and headed to the next class.

Y/N(hyunjin) was in my next class. We sat together so we wouldn't have to answer any questions the guys ask. We asked each other a few questions about studies and we got along well.

After class ended, we both headed to cafeteria without waiting for anyone because we thought they were going to question our weird behavior.

"We have enough time to discuss something about this... * body switch *" Hyunjin said

"But what do we discuss? We have no idea what's going on" I said and I kinda liked the voice I spoke in.

"Wanna watch a movie together?" Hyunjin(in Y/N body) asked.

"Woah! Sis take it slow, you're already making a move" Me and Hyunjin turned around to see Jisung and Felix laughing.

"M-move?" I asked in a normal voice.

"Hahah stop playing dumb Hyunjin! You guys would look cute together!" Felix said patting my shoulder(which is basically hyunjin's)

"Guys! It's not like that and give us sometime alone" Hyunjin(in Y/N body) said looking at Jisung and Felix.

"Alright Alright, enjoy your little date" both of them said in unison and left.

We then decided to meet after school so people wouldn't misunderstand.

Hyunjin POV
Being in Y/N's body was fun. Girls were not following me and asking for my number. I felt so relaxed. Chan often came and we had small talks, I didn't know Chan was close to Jisung's sister.

My grades were not so great but Y/N's grades were really good and in class, a few students came up to me and asked me to solve a few math problems for them and I did it without knowing. I was enjoying everything!

I was on my way to Y/N's locker to get books for the next class when someone pulled my hair "aaah" I shouted. Not too loud but the person who pulled my hair could hear it.

"You! What did you talk about with my Hyunjin oppa?" Asked the girl who pulled my hair.

I recognized the voice. It was Park Hae-in's, the girl that always follows me and she once spread rumors saying she was my girlfriend but soon the rumors faded off as I ignored her as my much as I could but she didn't stop following me around.

I took her hand off mine and said "Your Hyunjin? He belongs to no one"

"You're talking back now?" She said while raising her arm to slap me. I closed my eyes, I could stop her from hitting me but I couldn't move. She didn't hit me..

I slowly opened my eyes to see Chan holding her wrist to stop her from hitting me.

"Are you okay Y/N?" He asked me in a soft voice.

"Chan Oppa? What are you doing here?" I asked him since he should be in class

"I was heading to my locker and saw those girls bullying you. If they ever try to bully you again, just tell me" Chan told me heading off to his locker.

"Wow I didn't know Chan could talk like this" I thought. Me and Chan were friends since we were 12. So I knew him well. Not only me and Chan but we all(all the stray kids) knew each other since we were 12 and I was kind of surprised that I didn't know Jisung had a sister.

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