Chapter 14

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I woke up like I usually do and made breakfast for Oppa and the pajama guy and left a note on the table before leaving the house

"I'm having breakfast at X cafè, breakfast is on the table, Oppa please make sure Hwang Hyunjin eats before he leaves. Call me of you want something. And don't skip school, BOTH OF YOU!"

I went to the cafè and ordered a cappuccino waiting for Hana. Hana said she had something to talk about so we decided to meet here.

"Hey Y/n! You're here! I thought you'd be late" Hana said chuckling playfully

"Not me but you, you're 3 minutes late" I said laughing

We talked for 10 minutes about regular stuff and all of a sudden

"I think I have a crush on someone" Hana said while playing with her fingers

"Oooh, my girl has crush!! Who's that lucky guy??" I was so curious because Hana never had a crush on someone before.

"It's J-" Hana was saying but I cut her off.

"It's not my brother or one of his friends right? Because literally every girl has a crush on them and I don't want you fangirling over them too" I said giving her a look

"Relax... it's just Jeongin" She said and kind of said his name in a low voice.

"J-Jeongin? As in Yang Jeongin? Our best friend?" I couldn't believe it!

"Yeah... I think I liked him from a long time but I just realized" Hana said

"Oh uh okay..."

It was weird because we knew each other since we were 10 and we were like the inseparable 'siblings' but looks like I was the only one who thought we were like 'siblings'.

"I know it's weird but it's the truth. I'm sorry" Hana said while looking down

I could tell she was upset but I can't let her stay upset, I'll help her with Jeongin. This should be easy!

"No Hana, it's fine. Do you want to like ask him out?" I said not knowing what else to ask

"What? No no no y/n!! I don't want to ruin our friendship, what if he doesn't feel the same way?" Hana sounded so sad

"Hana, don't let yourself down okay? I'm sure he likes you too, just try not to make in obvious hm?"

I knew this wouldn't help her but I didn't know what to do, I wasn't good at confronting people.

"Anyways, let's go, we don't want to be late for school" Hana sounded happy again.

We both headed to school and saw Chan at the gate

I was heading to him, Hana didn't know Chan much, she was only friends with me and Jeongin. She never had other friends.

"I'll get going, see you at class" Hana said and left

"Hey Chan! Looks like you're waiting for someone" I asked Chan

"Oh.. um n-no, no one. Let's go to class, we have the same class" Chan was startled to see me, I had no idea why but I didn't care

We went to class and looked like the Pajama guy was there too, his seat was empty so I sat next to him and instantly received weird and nasty looks from girls.

"Don't mind them" Hyunjin said scribbling on his notes.

"Did you like the breakfast?" I was trying to start a conversation because there was plenty of time for class and I was bored so why not

"Yeah, thanks." Hyunjins said not taking his eyes off his book

Maybe he didn't want to talk, I just took my phone and texted Hana because we had the same class but she wasn't here yet.

A/N note
This chapter is so boring and short, I know that. I'm sorry 😅 I wanted to make it up to you guys since I didn't update for 4 days. Another chapter will be uploaded tonight.

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