Chapter 17

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Hyunjin POV

After I heard about Y/N's past.. I felt really, really bad. I didn't know how to react, Jisung and Y/N had a very heart breaking past

"That's.... sad" was all I could say

"Yeah.. Jisung or Y/N don't usually talk about it" Chan said patting my shoulder

"Let's get going, Minho's Xray might be done" I said

^Later at Hyunjin's house^

"Well today was a long day!" I said jumping onto my bed grabbing my phone after a small shower

I saw that Chan texted me

Hey Hyunjin, can we talk at school tomorrow?

Sure, what's up?

I'll talk at school, goodnight

Alright, goodnight

I put my phone aside to sleep but couldn't sleep and kept thinking about Y/N's parents. I didn't live with my parents either but me or my sister didn't know them much since they were always busy with work, there was no difference even after they were gone.

It looked like Y/N and Jisung went through a really hard time and they're even having a hard time now. Hope everything will be fine.

With all the thoughts around my head I eventually fell asleep

^Next day^

"Another new day!" I said yawning and turning off my alarm.

I got ready and went to school and totally forgot about Chan wanting to talk because of my thoughts last night.

I saw Chan at the gate and greeted him as usual.

"Good Morning! We have time for our class to start, can we talk now?" Chan said

"What? Oh! Yes yes sure, I forgot about that" I said scratching my head

I followed Chan all the way to the rooftop, we only go to the rooftop when we're tired or wanted some alone time but going to the rooftop at this time with Chan felt a little weird.

"I want to get straight to the point Hyunjin, because last time I wanted to talk about this.. it didn't go well and you kind of avoided me after that" Chan sounded pretty serious

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"Look. You know I like her and I know you like her too but I don't want that to affect our friendship"

"Are you talking about Y/n?" I Asked Chan

"Yes, let's just talk it out right now, I don't want us to drift apart for a reason like this" Chan said

"Yes yes Ofcourse, I um like her too.. maybe" I wasn't sure what he meant by talking it out.

"Maybe? Aren't you sure about your feelings Hyunjin?" Chan said

"No no, I l-like her but can we not talk about this anymore? It feels weird, let's just not get in each other's ways" I said making my way out of the rooftop because Chan liking Y/n just made me feel uncomfortable.

^After school, at Y/N's house^

Me, Minho, Jisung and Y/N gathered at Y/N's house for the project again.

"Me and Hyunjin completed part 1 of the project, we need to go to some place to do the part 2. Can we all go together?" Y/N spoke excitedly

"Ah about that.. Me and Jisung didn't really start our project" Minho spoke shyly

"What do you mean? What did you do the other day then?" I asked them even though I knew what exactly they were doing

"You know.. just talking and playing video games" Jisung spoke without any hesitation

"You guys!" Y/N said face pamming herself

"It's just the 2 of us then! Where do you want to go?" I asked Y/N

"A Garden maybe? We can take pictures of flowers and write an essay about them" Y/N spoke

--To be Continued--

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