Chapter 6

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Hyunjin POV
I was with Chan and he bought me a Chocolate Ice-Cream and said "You still like chocolate right?
It's been a while since we hung out"

"Yeah I still like chocolate" I really did like the chocolate flavor.

Me and Chan were talking a lot while eating the ice cream and after that we headed to a park and sat on a bench.

Chan asked "How's your mom? Are you visiting the hospital?"

"Hospital? What do I say?" I was having various thoughts.. and all I could do was text Y/N

Y/n! Help.. Chan's asking about your mom

Call me Hyunjin! And tell him my mom is still the same and You'll visit the hospital this weekend.


(The names are opposite here because they are in each other's body. Hope you understand)

I texted her without Chan noticing.

"You okay? Why aren't you answering?" Chan asked looking confused.

"I'm fine and mom's still the same, I'm visiting her this weekend" I said with a weak smile. The weak smile appeared on it's own, I didn't do that on my own.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine" Chan said patting my shoulder with a kind smile

"What's Wrong with her mom" I wondered..

"Do you still like tulips?" Chan asked me

"Y-yes I do"

"Y/n likes Tulips? There's still a lot I don't know about her"

"Were Y/n and Chan always this close? Chan knows the stuff I don't.. I was Jisung's best friend for 7 years but I have no idea about what happened to their parents"

"Did something happen on the year I went overseas with my aunt? But it was just a year.. I guess a year is still a long time" I was having these kind of thoughts and gave a big sigh.

"Y/n.. I should head back to home now, I just got a text from my dad. Bye, I'm sorry" Chan said looking sad

"It's fine, Bye Chan Oppa!" I said

"Aish! Calling them Oppa feels weird" I muttered

"Ofcourse it does and you should stop this NOW!" I heard a shaky voice around me, I was scared! I looked around but there was no one.

"I should stop this? Stop what? Calling the guys Oppa?" I was confused... The voice was a little shaky and I knew it was a woman's voice, I thought it was that old woman that kept staring at us in the cafè

I looked around once again and saw that old lady looking at me with an angry face near a flower shop. There was also another old lady with her, she looked kind and was smiling at me.

They both looked totally opposite, I was staring at them too but both of them disappeared after 2-4 minutes..

I shrugged it off and headed to Jisung's house where I was living. I wanted to tell someone about this Body switching...

I called Y/N

"Hey Hyunji- I mean Y/N"


"Why do you sound sad?"

"I want to tell someone about this body switch.."

"Me too, I'm starting to feel weird"

"Do you think we can tell Jisung?"

"My brother? Okay I'll text him to meet us at X cafè"

"Okay, see you there"

Call ends

"What Hyunjin said was right.... we needed to tell someone about this, we can't keep it to ourselves forever, it's just been 3 days but it feels like an Eternity"

Let me text Jisung


Hey Jisung


Hey bro, what's up?


Can we meet at X cafè in 10 minutes?


Is something wrong? You sound serious, shall I bring the boys?


No don't bring them, Y/N's coming too, yes it's serious...


Did you do something with Y/N? If you know what I mean


Jisung!! You're crazy, just come to the X cafè


This better not be bad. I'm on my way, I'll be there in 10

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