Chapter 4 - Ew. old perverted men. 🤢

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"You have Mana manipulation with me?" You stare at Helios's schedule.

"Yeah," He laughs. "I heard the professor is into young girls."

"Glad I don't have a gender then."

"Hippity hoppity, your gender is now my property," You snicker as you open the door to the room. "Woah... it's huge..."

"That's what she said," Helios follows you up, and you sit down near the back.

The professor enters. "I knew my class would be popular, but wow! We have quite the crowd of students!"

Dear God, give me patience. I might just kill this man on the spot.

"As you all know, this class is Practical Mana Manipulation." The teacher explains. "Which means we'll be doing things very practically, and by that, I mean through example."

I bet he's like a middle school boy.

Stop, no, I can't laugh in class-

"Because what better way to learn that through hands-on experience, right?" He eyes the crowd. "And it's especially an honor to be teaching our very own disciplinary committee."

Bless the fact that I'm not in uniform. But he's baiting them.

You tune out everything else he says.

You watch as Feyrith gets burned, and you disappear.

"Do you surrend-" You shoot a beam of water into his mouth and extinguish his flame.

"Damn, are all professors like this?" Your hand covers Feyrith's wound, and a small glow emits from it.

"What happened to blending in?" Helios hands you a bandage, and you sigh.

"You know, with professors like this, it's kind of hard to not speak up." Feyrith's wound heals, and you lower your voice so only he can hear. "This current bruise is a fake, I want you to report to the director after class."


You turn to stare at the professor. "Kind of immature of you, don't you think? Ah, my apologies."

You release the water from the professor's mouth, and restore his oxygen. "Now, you can answer."

"Who are you to insult me like this!?"

You turn to him, the temperature in the room dropping. "Good question."

The professor shivers, and the students in the room huddle for warmth. "I think it's more... who are you to treat your students like this?"

"I- I-"

"That's enough," Arthur speaks up.

You turn to stare at him, the temperature returning to normal.

The professor gasps for air, and you return to your seat.

"Would you like to fight me?" The professor glares at you.

"Still haven't taken enough of a hit to your dignity? I'll be glad to remind you," You smile at him, and you turn on your heel to head back down the stairs.

"Y/n." Helios warns.

"I'm aware."

"Scared for your little friend?"

"Worried for your bones," Helios smiles at the teacher passive-aggressively.

The man spawns his sword, and you pull out your staff.

"I'll be sure to go easy on you," He smirks, coating his sword with his blue flame.


You watch as the man closes in on you.

His sword clashes with your staff, and you launch him back.

He's only a light yellow core.

He enhances the fire on his sword, and he aims for you again. You step to the side, and his sword misses.

"You know, professor, I feel like my ballroom waltz classes really came in handy," You step away from his swing each time, and it looks like you're dancing with him.

"You little-"

You spin, and the tailcoat of your uniform sways with each step you take.

"It looks like a ballroom waltz."

"They look so graceful stepping side to side."

"Stop messing around with me!" The professor grits his teeth.

"It's more like, how come you can't even land a single hit on a first-year." You spin, and the back of your foot hits the barrier. "Up we go."

You run up the wall, and you launch yourself at the professor. "I've had my fill."

You swing, and you knock the professor against the barrier instead. Switching positions with the professor, you keep pushing him against the barrier, hearing a crack in the process.

You slam the bottom of your staff on the ground, and the shockwave launches the professor out of bounds.

His back lands on the ground with a thud, and you slam the bottom of your staff on the ground next to his head, driving your foot into his chest. "Lovely demonstration today; There was much to learn."

The bell rings, and you look up to the door. "Class is over!"

You glance at the professor, and you pop open a healing potion. Shoving it into his mouth, you skip up the stairs to the door.

"Lovely demonstration!" A couple of the students approach you. "Ah, thank you!"

"What's our next class?"

"Free period, Nevermind, I have artificing."

"I have a free period." Helios cackles.

"I hate you."

"You created me."

You sigh, and you wander off to your next class.

Halfway to the room, an owl nearly slams into you.

"sON OF A-" You dodge the bird, and he lands on your shoulder.

"Aish, if Director Goodwill wanted to see me, then she could've just told me normally," You follow the owl to her room. "Is this about me kicking a professor's ass?"

"Right now, I have the choice of either making you an interim professor or-"

"Pick Arthur Leywin," You deadpan.

"Where's your bond?"

"Fifi? He's out on his free period."

"Ah, please call him in. Arthur should be-"

Fifi, if you don't get your ass over here.

"Did you call for me, Director Goodsky?"

"Just in time," The professor smiles. "Please, take a seat."

The two of you meet eyes.

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