Chapter 14 - jail for mother! jail for mother for One Thousand Years!!!

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You stare at the cuffs on your wrist.

"So... How are you, Director Goodsky? Fancy seeing you in jail!" You smile at the director in the same cell as you. "Is there a reason?"

"Got used as a scapegoat," She shrugs.

"I thought they found out-"

"Nope." She hums. "Speaking of which, your eyes?"


"They still seem to be the regular color."

"Ah, yes!" You beam. "Surprisingly!"

You whistle, and another person is thrown in jail next to you.

"Oh, hey Arthur," You brush him off. "Can I get a cup of alcohol??"

The guard glares at you.

"That's racially motivated but go off I guess," You roll your eyes.

You kick your legs, and you lean against the icy wall. "Wanna play rock, paper, scissors?"

The other two glare at you.


You stare at the lance that suddenly appears. It's your sister in a cloak.

"Are you here to scold me?"

She hands you a letter.

To my beloved sibling,

At first, I thought it was off that you and Arthur, who had done nothing, would be sentenced to jail. Apparently, the King and Queen of the dwarves and humans made a deal with someone from Alacrya. 

On top of that, the reason for your locking up as Y/n L/n instead of Mask is because you hid Elijah Knight. The boy is no longer in the infirmary room as you had mentioned. The princess is safe though.

On the other hand, I was just notified that you and Arthur are being sent to another person. The principal is to be executed, and a war will inevitably break out. Mom and Dad are already sent to a safe space along with Arthur's parents. The rest is up to you two.

Much love, 


The Lance disappears, and you laugh.

"Oh she's so cute!" You wipe a tear as the letter disappears.

"What did it say?"

"Scapegoats, all three of us." You point at them and then yourself. "Oh, and the director is being publicly executed."

The director sighs.

"Fun fact, I bet one of the Alacryans bribed the royals," You laugh. "Oh! Oh! How's your bond?"

"They took Sylvie from me."

"That's... racially motivated," You purse your lips. "Homophobic, if I may."

"When's the trial?"

"No idea," You shrug. 

"Speaking of which, can't you just break out?" Arthur raises a brow at you.

You stare at him. "I'd love to. But that makes things boring."

Arthur raises a brow at you.

"Calm your titties Leywin, your family is safe." You roll your eyes. "If we break out, where would we go? Our faces are plastered everywhere."


You think hard. "You met up with Windsom, right?"

Arthur raises a brow.

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