Chapter ?? - in my medical genius era

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You jolt awake and rush out of the camp to join everyone else.

Helios, take me to what that jolt was.

You follow your bond, and your heart drops.

Who... is that?

Arthur's dad.

Helios's voice comes out strained.


You land next to Durden, and you can tell it's hard on him.

"I'll heal him." You swallow. 

"But doctor, he's missing too many body parts, and he's dead!"

"I'll do it. ONE OF YOU ATTEND TO DUREN, AND THE REST OF YOU FIND ANY OTHER SURVIVORS THAT NEED HELP!" You order the rest of them, and they scatter.

Your hands shake while attending to Reynolds.

You mumble the same spell from three years ago under your breath, and Helios embeds a feather into him. You watch as his limbs grow back, and you bite down on your tongue. Tears stream down your face as you feel your mana drain.

Helios, I need a mana transfer before I pass out.

You feel a bit more energized, and Helios stands behind you as his whole body is brought back to life.

You gasp. "H-Helios, get him back to the barracks first, and then come grab me."


Will you be ok???


Helios flies off with the man, and your brain literally malfunctions.

DuDE, aM I dYING? I THoUGHt My DeAtH was SUPPoSEd to Be The enD of the BoOk?!?!?!

You sit there, brain fuzzy from pain until a familiar silhouette appears.

"Heli?" Your vision is fading.

 "What are you doing out here?" 

"A... Art?" You squint. "Are you alright? Do I need to-"

"Can you see me?" Arthur mumbles. "Who did you bring back to life today?"

You feel someone lift you up, and you wrap your arms around his neck.

"Art... why are you here?"

"I was looking for my dad."

"He's at the camp right now." You mumble, your throat suddenly hurting. "C-can I get water?"

"I'll take you back." Arthur sits you down on Sylvie, and he flies you back to camp.

"Y/n!" Helios runs up to you.

"They passed out," Arthur hands you to Helios, but your arms tighten around his neck. "I... I'll take them to their tent. Who did they revive?"

"Your dad." Helios mumbles, jaw tightening. "They found your dad when the sirens blared for medics."

Arthur stares at your unconscious form in his arms.

"Where is their room?" Helios leads him to your room, and he lays you down on your bed.

"Wreckless thing," Arthur mumbles, sitting next to you. "I wonder how long you'll be out for this time."

"LIEUTENANT LEYWIN, WE NEED YOU!" Arthur sighs, and he tucks you in.

"What happened?"

He leaves the room, and your eyes flutter open.

"wHO EL-" Helios shoves a spoon into your mouth.


"That one's on you." He rolls his eyes. "I need to head back out."

"Is Arthur-"

"He just got called." Helios sighs. "I'll take over your position for the day. You, get some rest."

"REST MY ASS!" You hop off the bed, grab your jacket, and make a beeline for the patients' room.

"Y/n-!" Helios sighs as you disappear from the tent. 

You open the tent where all of your patients are, and you see that only Reynolds is there. The others were all discharged today. Anyone who got revived by you had to leave camp immediately and start fleeing with the citizens. It wasn't a choice; it was since you couldn't revive a person more than twice without passing out for a month. The Dicathen army had made that a rule when you passed out after reviving a general twice.

You check his vitals, and you stay in the room for the rest of the afternoon; Checking for movement, restocking blankets and such.

The next handful of weeks pass in a repetitive pattern.

However, something throws everything off.

"Doctor..." A soldier outside calls.

"Yes?" Your eyes widen in horror. "Take him in."

The human royals. The King and queen are dead.

"Can... you do both?"

You swallow. "I can try-"

"That's enough," Arthur walks in. "If they're already-"

"It's fine general Leywin." You stare at the royals. "It won't hurt to try-"

"You can only revive one person a week if you're in prime condition. You just finished-"

"It doesn't hurt to try." You stare at him. "That is an order."

Arthur bites back on his words, and he whispers. "May I stay outside to guard?"

"Under the circumstance that no one calls you," You turn around, and the knight who brought in the bodies leaves the tent with Arthur. 

You stare at the dead royals.

I'm going to commit not alive-

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