Chapter 7 - Eyo, aren't you like a 38-year-old???

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"Mistaken?" You raise a brow. "You mean how Arthur was reaching for my face?"

"Yeah." He hums. "Isn't it just taking advantage of him?"

"No," You blink. "I think it has something to do with the core."

"You're not at an aether core."

"Right, but I'm somewhere higher than that." You grumble. "My core matches my natural eye color. That power naturally draws people in, and I use it to my advantage."

Helios sighs, and there's a knock at your door.

"Coming!" You rush up, and you peek through the peephole.

You swing the door open. "Hi!"

"Y/n! Uh, these are as a thank you for healing me the other day-"

"No, no, it's ok!" Your hands move frantically, and you shake your head. "It's alright! You helped in getting the teacher exposed so-"

"No, no," Feyrith hands you the basket. "The teacher thing was more of a collaborative effort. Please, take this as a sign of my gratitude."

His cheeks are flushed, and you're taken aback. "I... then, thank you, Feyrith."

"No, no! Thank you for your help." He smiles. "Uh, I'll get going first then. Thank you again!"

You watch him off, and you raise a brow. "I thought he was stubborn and refused to..."

"Still the charisma?" Helios walks out from the closet he was hiding in. "Are we sure he doesn't-"


Helios throws a pillow in your face.

"If I were fruity, you would know." Helios sighs.

"Right!" You grin. "Shall we visit my favorite soul?"

"You can go," Helios stares at his schedule. "I have a class, and I think it'd be worth it to have you dwell over your own emotions."

"Dwell over what emotions? Favoring a young boy?"

"He has charisma that rivals yours," Helios laughs to himself. "Have fun."

You leave the room, and you sigh.

"Helios catches on too fast." You stop at the door to his room, and the princess runs out from it. "P-princess?"

She runs, and you peek into Arthur's room. The boy is hiding his face in his hands.

"Trouble in paradise?" You walk in.

"No," He shakes his head. "Have you ever had conflicting feelings for someone?"

"Like romance wise or...?"

"Romance wise,"

You sit down on the seat, and Sylvie jumps on you.

"Romance wise..." You pet Sylvie, and you think. "No, but could I hear about it? I might be of some help."

"Tess and I almost kissed."

Your eyes widen, and you slap your hand over your mouth. "So, what's the issue?"

"Someone else flashed into mind before we did, so I pushed her away." Arthur looks across the room. "I'm scared that might've hurt her."

"Nothing wrong with that." You pat Sylvie. "You were setting up personal boundaries and taking care of yourself first. Being selfish doesn't mean you're being a jerk. I'm sure the princess will understand if you tell her."

Sylvie climbs on top of your head.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." You grin.

"Wait." Arthur snaps his head toward you. "How did I end up venting to you?"

You hold up a peace sign and smirk. "Maybe I'm a sign of comfort?"

"Why are you here again?"

"Just here to learn a bit more about you." You smile. "So? Sylvie?"

"Please put a sound barrier up."

You snap your fingers, and a barrier is put up.


"Sylvie's a dragon. Her mother was Sylvia, and I have no idea who her father is."

"Well, I'm sure that you'll figure out soon." You hold Sylvie up. "She has a spell embedded into her where her father can communicate through her."

"Excuse me?"

"It's still at low levels, though-"

"Can you get it out of her?"

You stare at him.


"I can't." You lie through your teeth. "Though, if I get some background on how the hell you're acting like an adult even though you're a child, I might give it a try."

Arthur stiffens.

"It's fine."

You shrug. "Don't make too many enemies while you're here, King Grey~!"

You walk out of the barrier, and Arthur tries chasing after you. You wink at him before disappearing before his eyes.

"They... Sylvie, who are they?"

Sylvie can only shake her head.


Somewhere on the other side of campus, you slam a student into the ground.



You bite down on your lip, and you create a healing sphere around him.


You nod.


Your bird comes in, and you stab his spine with one of Helios's feathers.

The characters on his back disappear, and you back up as his vitals stabilize.

"You can heal?"

You point to your bird.

You stand up and speak slowly.

The voice that comes out isn't yours.

"It's not my ability. And also, get the poor student to the infirmary." You sigh, pushing your hand through your hair. The committee members with you malfunction. "What?"

"N-NOTHING!" Curtis carries the student, and he rushes to the infirmary.

"WAIT FOR ME!" Doradrea rushes after him.

"Any clue? Captain?"

Claire shoves her face into her hand, her ears burning.

"Nope... not at all."

Teenagers are weird...

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