|| Truths and lies ||

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Tae was scared but he still wanted to try and talk to Jimin.

To ask him, what is he hiding?

So he decides to follow Jimin after school ends.

Jimin walks into the library with his hoodie cap over his head towards the history section. He sneaks through the long shelves of books and stops instantly as feels a tap on his shoulder.

He turns towards one of the shelves to take out a book while someone pulls his zipper to pick out the 'white' notebook and replace it with an envelope.

Once the encounter was complete, Jimin puts back the book and walks towards one of the tables to sit and check the envelope. But,

Jimin was unaware that a certain person has taken note of the entire scenario that happened a while ago.

The moment Jimin pulls out the envelope, a stranger snatches it. Jimin's eyes turn red at the action and yanks off the chair to directly grab the neck of the person who took it.

The students in the room start whispering to each other and the librarian warns them to leave the room.

"Let's talk outside shall we?" Tae tries to convince Jimin in a soft tone.

Jimin grits his teeth and with fists his hands and leaves the hall followed by Tae who whispers an apology to the students that were throwing daggers through their eyes for creating a nuisance.

"What was in the notebook?" Tae asks Jimin once he finds a remote place.

To which Jimin doesn't respond and keeps his head low.

"What is in the envelope?" Tae tries again but fails to receive an answer.

Tae slowly stretches his hand to take Jimin's bag off his back. Oddly, Jimin doesn't resist nor fights back. Instead, simply stands there like a rock with his head hung low and hands slightly trembling.

Tae's grasps the situation. But he wants Jimin to tell him. To speak the truth that he is hiding for so many days or months or even years.

But the boy wasn't opening up.

Just how hurt are you Jimin that you find it hard to trust one single person in your life.

Tae pulls the boy towards him nuzzling his head into his chest and softly runs a soothing hand over the back of his head.

Jimin chokes a sob and bites his lips to prevent himself from shedding a single tear.

To bite away his pain.

Tae was different. He was turning him into a mess. A beautiful mess that has no boundaries; melting down his cage of fears and dark memories that he has sealed deep down in his heart.

"I can help you. It's not too late. Let's talk it out. We can even reach out to a counsellor if needed. We can do it together. You don't have to suffer alone. At least not now. Yeah?" Tae murmurs in Jimin's ear all while holding the boy in his arms.

His warmth was breaking the coat of ice that covered Jimin all these years.

"Can I trust you, Tae?"

[A/n:- Sorry for the filler chapter. Next chapter might be triggering. Please read at your own risk.]

THE WHITE-TINGED NOTEBOOK | VMIN [COMPLETED]✓Where stories live. Discover now