|| The Metal Cuffs ||

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Next morning,

Taehyung rushes into the school and goes to the library first. When he doesn't find Jimin there, after searching for thirty minutes or so, he comes back to class.

To Tae's surprise, Jimin is proudly sitting and listening to the class being all giggly, in the front row.

To be noted: In the front row!

His eyes are fixed on the board but his brain is lingering somewhere else.

Too far further om present.

Young Jimin's cold clammy hands hold onto the cold metal bar of the bus stand. He drops himself on the chair with his clothes wetting the bench in the process. He lets a deep sigh as he watches the water splash every time a vehicle runs over the rainy road.

"Wanna sell notebooks?" A tall man with a long jacket and motorcycle gloves covering his golden rings sits beside Jimin and asks him.

Jimin doesn't utter a word rather keeps his focus on the road, his lips turning white due to the chilling cold that's slapping his skin every time the wind gushes.

"You can earn money! A lots of money. Just by selling a few white-tinged notebooks!" The man exclaims taking off his coat and covering Jimin's tiny body that was shaking by the biting cold.

Jimin's ears perk up at the mention of money.

"Did you just say money?" Jimin's weak voice speaks up.

"Yes! And I am sure you wouldn't say no." The man smirks as he pats Jimin's head.

"I will do anything you ask for. But promise me that I will smell the green notes all my life," Jimin demands with his eyes finding a response from the man.



"Hey! You okay?" Tae asks as he slowly takes a seat beside Jimin.

"Yes, I am completely fine," Jimin replies.

"Did you make up your mind to meet up with the counsellor? If you are scared then I can accompany you-"

"Kim Taehyung, I have sorted out everything. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for being a nosy kid," Jimin smiles weakly at the confused Tae that sat beside him.

"What do you-"

Knock knock!

"Yes come in!" The teacher calls.

Two sturdy officers enter the class and bow at the teacher with due respect before speaking up.

"We are from Seoul police station, and we have an arrest warrant against Jimin Park!" The officers inform leaving the entire class a shock.

"May I know the reason for it?" The teacher asks.

But the officers simply deny any further conversation to keep it confidential as it's the matter of a minor.

They make their way towards Jimin and put the metal cuffs against his hands who sinfully smile as if he knew this was coming.

Tae tries to interfere but Jimin cuts him off with a soft nod and a smile. He slides his bag towards the boy and walks out with the officers all while gazing at the Tae who broke his shell.

His deepest secrets.

Tae is stunned. It's like a lightning hitting his head fusing all the wire in his brain making him numb and most importantly blank. He wasn't able to grasp the situation.

The entire class rushes towards the doors and windows to look at the scene unfold. The officers taking the freshly dyed, brown haired boy down the hallway, all cuffed up.

Tae grips onto Jimin's bag and rushes out of the door. He keeps his head low as he climbs the stairs at super fast speed. His feet keep thumping against the stairs as he climbs until he finally reaches the rooftop.

The scorching sun is killing his eyesight, he scrambles himself to scoot in the corner bringing his knees closer and biting his lips as he unzips the bag.

"There's a white-tinged notebook for you!" were the last words whispered by Jimin before he was cuffed.

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THE WHITE-TINGED NOTEBOOK | VMIN [COMPLETED]✓Where stories live. Discover now