// Epilogue //

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"Inmate 4095! You have a visitor." The janitor informs.

Taehyung sits on the other side of the visiting room that is separated by a thick glass frame with only a small telephone to allow communication on either side. He taps his legs anxiously as he waits for the person he is longing to see for all these months.

Taehyung knows every grey cracked brick, that's used to make these walls. It wasn't intentional to know them. It's the number of times the boy has visited this place, only to be disheartened and leave in vain.

But Jimin refuses to meet the young laden that sat on the opposite side of the call room every single time.

But Taehyung is an adamant kid. He would make every possible effort to get in and talk to Jimin.

He has an unfinished business and an unanswered question with him.

Why was it him? All of the people, why did Jimin choose him?

Taehyung's thoughts were cut short when the metal door creaks open on the other. His heart hammers against his chest as he takes in the look of the boy he was yearning to see.

Dirty blonde hair with dull amber coloured eyes whose gaze were fixed to the floor; pale skin with hollow cheeks and a charcoal shade under his eyes. The boy stood there with a dusted orange coloured uniform that loosely fit his hips and weakly held onto the metal door.

He sharply exhales as he finally lifts his head to look at the boy who turned his life upside down.

Kim Taehyung

To be specific; His Taehyung!

He flashes a feeble smile as he approaches the chair. Taehyung's heart crushes into pieces to see Jimin in the state he was in.

A soft chuckle escapes Jimin's lips as he picks up the telephone and stares at the boy behind the glass.

"Hey.." Jimin speaks up in a raspy tone.

Taehyung breathes sharply as he grips onto the telephone that was the only source of Jimin's voice in this entire room.

"Heyy...Jimin!" Taehyung mumbles as a tear run down his cheek.

"You do remember me? By my name. I am honoured." Jimin mutters as his eyes search for the latter.

Golden brown hair with silver rings hanging from an ear, perfectly chiselled jaw with tear coated cheeks and orbs filled with millions of
emotions that were difficult to decipher.

His Taehyung sat there as a man who held 'oh so close' when he needed him the most.

It was only moments after which Tae burst into tears that stained his perfectly fitted white shirt.

"Why me..?" Tae mustered the courage to ask.

Jimin cursed his fate. He wanted to shatter the glass into pieces. To just jump off the other side. To encircle the boy into his arms. To hold him dearly. To never let go of him. But the only thing he could do was talk. Talk to the person that he denied all this time.

To open up to him.

"Because you are a scaredy-cat and a crybaby," Jimin spoke softly and flashed a weak smile.

"I am not!" Taehyung muttered and wiped his tears by the back of his sleeves.

"Yes, you are! You are a nosy little bitch that pokes its nose everywhere it goes." Jimin remarks.

"I am not!" Tae refuses again.

"Yes, you are! A promising little man who mustered the courage to approach me and hold me. My brave little Taehyung. Aren't you?" Jimin began as his eyes filled with warm tears that he never wished to pour out.

"I wanted to be draped in gold, Tae. Showered with respect and power. A power so strong that it would keep me above all. A life where I would never fall short in front of others. A life that would give me the privilege to crush down the people who looked at me with disgust. I wanted to have the wealth that my dad could never achieve. A wealth for which he left me in the cold barren land-" Jimin paused as he stretched his palm over the glass to confirm that Tae was listening to him. That he was there.

"It all changed when I met a golden tan boy that turned my life upside down. My perspectives, my motives changed as the time passed." Jimin softly smiled as he saw Tae place a hand over his across the glass frame.

You cared for me. You came looking for me. You questioned my wrongdoings. You held me when I was vulnerable. You broke the shell I build for so many years. Most importantly you lent me a hand.

You changed me Kim Taehyung.

"But Jimin we had hundred other ways to get out of this. You didn't have to surrender yourself. We could have-" Tae was interrupted.

"Talked to a teacher? Come on, Tae! You and I both know they don't care about us. Even if we came clean to them. They would dissolve this matter as they wanted. And that guy would have probably killed me. And found new youngsters for his business. Ruin a few more lives-"

"But, that doesn't mean you scapegoat yourself for the sake of others. Did you ever think of me before taking this step?"
Taehyung screamed as his eyes darted straight into Jimin's soul. His grip around the call increased as the time passed. He felt guilty and frustrated.

Jimin gulped a lump as he spoke, "If I wanted, I could have run away like I always do. But this time I wanted to stay. I wanted to keep you safe. I wanted to make sure you are left unscratched. Just a dinner with you felt so ecstatic. It felt warm and homely. I experienced a family with you, Taehyung. A family I craved for all these years. It wasn't money, Tae."

I waited for an elder, a brother, a lover to guide me to the right path. To show me a life that was past this dark mushy trap.

"Your time is over! Head back to the cell, now!" The janitor announced.

Jimin dropped his head as he lifted himself off the chair. His hands trembled to let go of the telephone. The only source of whispers of his dearest one.

The guy he longed to see his future with.

He slowly lowered the phone handle as pain shot through his heart.

"I love you, Jimin! I love you. And I will wait for you. Doesn't matter how long it takes. I will wait for you...," Tae screamed from the other side as he took a last glimpse of the boy that made his way back to the cell.

Jimin heard him right?

(A/n:- And that's the end. Hope you liked the epilogue. I would love to know your thoughts. Do drop them in the comment box.)

Maddie :-)❤️

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