(11.) Better Broken Than Blind.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Poppy Playtime (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(I've heard Bron's a fan favourite. Jesus Christ, he's so hard to write.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

Silence. Absolute silence. For once, Cuddly didn't utter a word as we trudged through the halls to a place only Cuddly knew where we headed.

I had many questions.

Am I still human? What are they hiding? Why did I come back? Is this my destiny? Are we even real?

The questions burned. Demanding answers, yet never solved due to secrets and lies the factory offered in return of its inhabitants.

"What are you hiding?"

"Many things."

Awkwardness ensued. We had nothing to say. Well, Cuddly had nothing to say. I saw the guilt stewing in their eyes. They sent Huggy away, albeit more violent than intended.


Then Cuddly spun behind to eye me up and down. We used to talk all the time. I wanted the cynical, down to earth Cuddly. Not the one hidden underneath the mask they wore the entire time we travelled.

I feel like an idiot for falling for their tricks.

I should've seen the signs. I should've lended an ear to vent, a shoulder to cry on. I ignored the truth right in front of my eyes.

I am an idiot.

"We're heading to entertainment." Cuddly finally found a topic we could talk. "There's someone who may help is depending on the thing we ask and the favour he wants us providing."

"Who exactly?"

"Bron the omnivore!" Cuddly cackled, revealing sharp teeth similar to Huggy's mouth. "Bron tried eating me once. Mainly 'cause Poppy hates my ass and sent me into dormant. One more stop, human. Then we're done."

Those words were new.

"I thought you were coming?"

"Why would I leave?" Cuddly's deadpanned expression copied Poppy's. "Poppy'll hunt those you know. We head to Bron, we get those fucking eyes. We split up. End of story."

My chest tightened with anxiety. The thought of my real only ally abandoning me after all we'd been thought was more than I could handle. Thoughts I didn't know possible went into overdrive, whispers of another invaded my mind.

Kill them.

Kill.             Kill.

They hurt you. Show true nature.

Who are you?

I did either the brave or stupid thing responding to what inhabited my subconscious. An actual pause reigned before a more female voice controlled the whispers.


It wasn't Poppy, but I wasn't female. Or a male. I identified as either really. I didn't care if someone misgendered myself. I learned not to give a shit long ago.


Snapping fingers shocked me out my trance. Cuddly stared with worried eyes and hands in my shoulders shaking my entire frame.

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