t h r e e

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Why does he end up everywhere I go?

And even if he does, why does he have to make it so difficult!?

It was August. My second day at my 'online' school. He was the first classmate I ever connected with. He was the first friend that i made in my new class at school. The memory of us discussing about that little doubt he had. How we came to know little bits of each other. Oh! I still remember those four-month old incidents as if they happened just yesterday. I still remember how happy I was just with the thought of having made a friend.

And today, here he is. In the flesh. Sitting in front of me. I mean, what are the odds?!
Never had I imagined that he would take admission here. What would Bavaria say when I tell her about this? She would probably jump with joy for me. There was this one time when she started weaving a fairytale about me and him, about how he would come to school and sit beside me in math class and we'd just talk and laugh for the rest of our time together. Now I think, her so-called prophecial tale is  becoming true.


I soooo wanted to talk to him. To know him better. To know him in person. The fact that we aren't talking started pinching me now.

Calm down Ashley! It's alright! What kind of an idiot talks casually with a friend when the Professor is just a metre away?

"Yes class. Now, since everyone is seated, let us begin with our new chapter. Today, we are going to study probability. Probability is............", Prof. Snow began his explanation.

*A few minutes into the class*

I can't stop thinking about him now. Although he is just a few inches away, I can't touch him. Arghhhhh....I am so done with this class!

Oh please! Talk to me plea-
Oh my god.
Why did he turn behind all of a sudden?

His beautiful hazel eyes, which were veiled by an unreadable emotion, his perfectly chiseled face, everything is so captivating. oh my god, he is so pretty. Buuuuuut, why is looking at me? Is this for real? Seriously, this can't be happening!! I got lost into his eyes, his mellow features. Everything was so soothing to look at. He was a sight for sore eyes. I could look at him forever. And what was weird in doing that? If he's fine with it, I am too! No one tried to look away. How I wish it could last forever.


After looking into each other's eyes for 3 seconds of comfortable yet mysterious silence, I broke our gaze. I was really getting hot from inside and I just couldn't contain anymore.

What just happened? Were we actually peeking into each other's souls?


Whatever it was, in the words of Paige, " Oh boy, you guys were up for a heated staring match, huh!? "

Yeah, Paige will be Paige. 😅

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