Chapter 1

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The smell of coffee filled the small trailer. It was a crisp autumn day in Sandy Shores, slightly cloudy with a nice breeze, but not too chilly. The picking of a guitar could be heard from the living area. I stepped back into the trailer, sitting my cup on the counter, smiling at the sight. Trevor was playing his heart out on the new instrument, followed by the coos of Carter, who was almost a toddler. Boy, I didn't look forward to the 'terrible twos.' I sat beside Trevor, rubbing his back as his picking came to a halt. He smiled, kissing the top of my head.
"Does it sound alright?"
I chuckled.
"Trevor, you've had the guitar for 3 days, but, for a 3 day guitar player, yes."
Trevor rolled his eyes playfully, pointing to our son who was chewing on a toy fire truck.
"Well Mrs. Critic, I have you know I have a full fan base right here, ain't that right buddy?"
Carter cooed as Trevor moved the guitar and picked him up, dislodging the fire truck from his newly grown teeth.
It was nearing two years since Trevor's retirement from crime, and it was honestly refreshing to see him turning into a family man. Of course he still had the raging bull inside of him, but he mostly kept his cool and didn't get nearly as frustrated at things. He quit all the illicit drugs and only drank occasionally.  He still kept in touch with all his old comrades, who were like Uncles to the baby.
I scooted closer to Trevor and our son. The more he grew, the more he looked like his daddy. But you could still see the me in him, or the Brad as Trevor says. I wish dad was here to see our little family, but unfortunately thats impossible. I'm sure if there is a higher power above, Dad is looking down at us smiling, and probably cussing Trevor to an extent.
As far as Trevor's mom, we've tried to introduce her to the baby, just so he could have some kind of grandparent in his life. However, she would randomly disappear for months at a time after promising to do this and that with Carter, so she was never a reliable babysitter.
I never could have imagined this life two years ago, but it couldn't have been any better. I feel like being with Trevor has allowed both of us to mature and build each other up.
The soft buzzing of my phone interrupted my reminiscence.
"Hey, Mikey! What's up?"
"Oh hey, Bryn! Amanda and I are going bowling tonight. Was just wondering if you and Trevor would like to join us?"
I looked at Trevor, who shrugged his shoulders as if he was giving me the 'go ahead.'
"Sure, I'll have to find a babysitter for Carter, though. Ron and Wade are on a run for Trevor for the day."
"What about Lester?"
Michael chimed in.
"True, I haven't heard from him in a few days. I need to call him anyways and check up. Thanks, Mikey."
I hung up and immediately searched for Lester's contact. Trevor and I didn't get many date nights, anymore. Unless you count the 'put the baby in bed and rush to the bedroom with the wine bottle and try to be quiet' moments. Even that was hard, nowadays, as Carter has found multiple ways of escaping. Thankfully if he did see us, he probably wouldn't remember. Trevor and I had already decided not to have any more kids, despite our love for Carter. He actually just got a vasectomy, recently. Mainly because he didn't want to use protection.
I clicked Lester's contact and waited for the dial tone. The phone rang and rang, which was strange for Lester. I sighed, sitting my phone down.
"I wonder if he's playing that stupid game again."
I grabbed my laptop and opened up my program, remote connecting into his desktop. His desktop was idle, aside from a few messages from Paige, which were unread. It looked as if she was having trouble reaching him as well.
"Trevor, something doesn't seem right about this. Lester's not answering and not on his computer. He hasn't answered Paige in 2 days."
"Maybe he's been busy, or asleep. Or maybe he needed a break from his little hacker slut."
"Shh, not in front of the child."
I glared, causing him to throw his hands up.
"Sorry, habit."
Carter cooed, causing me to facepalm.
"See what you do? I should've named him Trevor Junior."
Trevor chuckled, picking Carter up.
"Now buddy don't say that word in front of your mommy. We can say it when she's not home, okay?"
I rolled my eyes, jumping up and grabbing the keys to Trevor's truck.
"I'm going to check on Lester. You can come if you want."
Trevor sighed, grabbing Carter and his diaper bag and headed out the door. I knew he would come with me. He's still super protective, despite a fraction of The Lost still remaining in town. We placed Carter in his seat in between us and headed to the garment factory.
"Lester! Open your door!"
I continued to pound on the heavy door to the factory, which was locked. I sighed, pulling my phone out of my pocket. Trevor pushes me to the side, and before I can protest connects his weathered steel toe to the door, causing it to swing open. Alarms began to sound, in which I quickly deactivated.
I called.
No answer.
"His car is here. Why isn't he here?"
Trevor sighed, placing his hand on my back.
"Honey. Keep an eye on the kid. Let me go check on him. I'm sure everything's fine.."

Finding Myself in You-Sequel to "Hidden Identity-A Trevor Philips FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now