Chapter 12

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Bryn's POV
After what seemed like decades of heist prep, we were finally ready for the big score. We decided to run a 5 man heist to be on the safe side. We were going to go as far as 6, but Niko couldn't make it. Plus, just one extra set of hands could skew the outcome. 5 of us is risky as is.
"Alright team, here's the plan."
I sighed, beginning to brief the final meeting before we met Pavel on the plane.
"We'll be going in at night. Frank, I'll need you to grab those wire cutters and circle back near the landing strip where we found that loot. There should be cocaine, weed and cash. Michael, stay in position until Frank returns for the loot, then help him collect. You may need to coordinate taking out some guards around as well. Trevor and I will be ready to cut the power and hack into their air defense system. Tommy, you said you found something last time that may help?"
All eyes looked over at the old gangster as he smirked, pulling out a bright orange box.
"Sure did, pure cutting powder. We can drop this in the water supply. Hopefully it'll have an effect on the guards by the time we hit El Rubio."
"Great, I'll leave that to you then. This job is very dangerous. I'm anticipating we all come back alive and well, however. Are you guys ready?"
"Should we try and get those guard outfits and maybe a van? If we caught we gonna stick out like a sore thumb, dawg."
Franklin questioned. I shook my head.
"Any wasted time could be one of our lives. Even with the outfits, they would likely realize we weren't a part of their team anyways. El Rubio is a tight knit community it seems like."
"I'm guessing that goes for the loot on the way too?"
Michael questioned.
"The only spot I think that's worth hitting is that first one near our landing. It's the least risky. Our duffel bags won't hold every single piece of loot anyways. We have to remember some of the best stuff is in El Rubio. Remember to save room for that."
I sighed, fighting the anxiety-driven tears away. We had to do this. For Lester. But we also had to do this well, for Carter. Could we pull it off? I mean, it's well planned out. I've done stupider shit in my life..
"Alright, enough standing around. Let's get a move on!"
Trevor bellowed, jumping up from his seat. I believe he sensed my fear, and decided to act out to prevent my anxiety from getting worse than it already was.
We followed him to the plane. I took one last look around and boarded, taking the window seat. Trevor took the aisle seat next to me. In front of us we had Franklin, and behind us Michael and Tommy.
"Hey look at the old bastards sitting together. Probably talking about golf or some of those black and white Vinewood movies."
Trevor chuckled, making me break a smile.
"I told you they a bunch of slipper wearing mother fuckers!"
Franklin chimed in.
"Hey! Knock it off, before I take my ass off this plane and go watch my Classic Vinewood instead."
Michael rolled his eyes.
"Alright everyone, this is your captain speaking. We are on our way to Cayo Perico. I wish everyone a safe and successful trip. Let's get started!"
Pavel happily exclaimed over the microphone, beginning take off. Here it is, the moment we've all been waiting for.

"How are things coming F?"
I whispered over the microphone, hiding in the bushes near the air defense tower.
"Got the clippers, me and M had to take care of a couple guys, getting the goods now then i'll be over to you and T."
"Good deal. T, we need to plan this in sync, or they will think something's up.  We have to make them think it was a power failure all around."
"Got it, B. No worries, peaches.  This is going to be a piece of cake.  TV, you got a copy?"
"Water has been powdered. Laying low until we make a beeline for the big score."
"Copy that."
Everything seemed to be going as planned.  Perhaps I was stressing for no reason at all.  Before I know it, we will have Tommy out of our asses and we will be back in Sandy Shores, playing guitar and listening to Carter's tantrums.
"Comin' in hot, B."
Frank called as he cut the wires on my tower fence.  
"Comin your way now, T."
"B, I think I saw a guy near your tower.  I'll stand guard for you."
Michael called.
"Don't get any crazy ideas, M.  She's mine."
Trevor hissed.  I rolled my eyes.
"Cut it out, T. Focus on the task."
"Sorry, peaches."
"I think I'm gonna be sick. You two are too much."
Tommy sighed into the mic.
"Lock is cut, standing guard for ya, big dawg."
Frank announced.
"Alright, approaching the tower now."
I called.
"Same here. On the count of three."
I glanced over as I saw the guard Mikey was talking about fall to the ground.  I cringed at the sight.  It had been a while since I had to experience any gruesome moments.
I sighed, focusing back on the panel.
"Okay, one...two...three."
Like clockwork the defenses were hacked into and the power was shut off.  Trevor gave me just enough time before powering down, but still managed to keep it almost in sync.  What an amazing man.
"Alright, so far so good.  Let's meet at that graveyard and make our way to El Rubio."
I called.
I followed closely behind Michael as he led the way to the graveyard. Within a few minutes, we were all gathered together.
"Alright team, here goes nothing."
I called, taking a deep breath and taking the lead, Trevor following to my left and Tommy to my right.  They took out the guards at the gate. I immediately crouched down, the wailing of sirens filling my ears.
"Shit, they're onto us hot now.  We have to act fast."
Michael called.  Trevor ran up to the gate, busting into it.  We all followed behind him, crouching by railings and bushes.  Tommy ran off to the right, but he was the least of my concern at the moment.
"Guards are definitely feeling that water.  Good job, TV." 
Franklin called.
"Juggernaut! Watch out!"
Michael called out.  I gasped, lifting my gun above my head and firing into the man until I heard a loud thud.  I shivered at the sound.  I definitely wasn't cut out for this anymore.
I followed suit with the guys as they moved in.
"Ah, fuck!"
I glanced over and gasped, seeing Trevor's pant leg covered with blood.  I attempted to run to his side, but he waved me on, rolling over to take cover.
Tears rushed down my face as I headed on without him.  From the corner of my eye I saw him regain his balance, and stumble back behind us a few minutes later.
We found a key card on one of the guards and managed to get what we came for, as well as a painting and other expensive goods.  We hauled ass out of the compound, meeting back up at the air strip.  I helped Trevor onto the plane and immediately grabbed a first aid kit, tending to his wound.  I winced at the sight.  It was damn near the bone.
"It's just a scratch, peaches."
Trevor chuckled between looks of pain.  I knew he was trying to ease my worry.
"Hush.  You're as stubborn as a bull, T."
I rolled my eyes, doing my best job at cleansing and stitching his wound.
"Damn, T, you okay over there?"
Tommy asked.
"Mind your fucking business!"
Trevor growled.
"Hey! We aren't doing this right now."
I shot Trevor a mean look and he immediately backed down.
"Everyone made it back I see. Time to return to Los Santos!  Prepare for take off!"
Pavel called.
I slid into my seat, leaning my head against the window.
"Wow...we did it."
I softly smiled, remembering the video Lester had uploaded onto that flash drive.
Trevor put his hand on my knee, gently caressing it as I drifted off to sleep...

"Welcome back guys, and gal! How did everything go?"
Mini Madrazo excitedly exclaimed.
"Pretty smooth.  Special delivery, dawg."
Franklin said, throwing the briefcase at the young man.
He fumbled to catch it, immediately opening it.  A disgusted look crossed his face.
"What's wrong?"
Michael asked, walking over and peering at the stack of documents he was holding, the same disgusted look crossing over his face as well.
His face then turned to Trevor, greeting him with a look of anger and disappointment.
"You're telling me I came out of retirement AGAIN, risking my life for this shit!?"
Franklin decided to take a peek, immediately shaking his head and walking off.
That's fucked, dawg."
I looked over at Trevor, a look of uneasiness crossing his face.  I felt the anxiety begin to twist my stomach.  Without thinking, I snatched the papers from Madrazo's hand, ignoring Michael trying to stop me.  At this point I was tunnel visioned.  I looked down at the papers, sickened by what I saw. I threw the papers into the fire, slapped Trevor and took off down the stairs.  Trevor didn't even attempt to follow me.  Instead, stood there with a look of self disgust and embarrassment.
I stopped at the bottom of the hill to catch my breath.  I heard footsteps behind me, assuming it was Michael.  I turned around and was surprised to see Tommy.
"You alright, kid?"
His question made me burst into tears.  I did not want him to see the vulnerable side of me, but at this moment, what was there to lose?
"I-I can't fucking believe it.  I risked my life and all of your lives...I risked my own son's future, for THAT!"
"What was it?"
Tommy asked, dumbfounded.  I had forgotten he was the only one who didn't see the pictures.
I blew up on him, unable to control my crying and screaming anymore.  Tommy gently laid his hand on my shoulder.
"Hey...I went through something similar before..not to that emotional extent but hey, how do you think I felt when my best friend and partner and crime turned on me? I didn't want to kill him...but he too put my future in jeopardy..everything I worked for and put my life on the line for...only to find out i was his puppet the whole time. It's best you find out now while you're still young."
I sniffled, looking down at the ground.
"But how the fuck am I supposed to look at him the same way again?  I know it's his past but, he looked so...happy.  Sure he cares about me I guess but hell...his plan was to kill me! Coincidentally, he kept me around, only for me to find this shit."
"Look, a man can't erase his past...but we can erase him."
I gasped as he grabbed me and pulled me close, covering my mouth with his hand.  I squirmed for freedom, but I was too weak to fight back.  All of a sudden I remembered. Right before we landed, I had gotten some water from the bathroom sink on the plane..That bastard surely didn't contaminate it too, did he?  I know he was the last on the plane but...
Tommy pulled out a gun, chuckling to himself.
"Don't worry hun, I'm not going to hurt you.  I just knew if you were completely able you would tear my fucking head off.  I didn't think this exchange would be so easy, but Mr. Philips here dug himself a hole.  And I, Tommy Vercetti, am going to finish burying him!  All those assets, the strip club, the meth lab, the island..they will be OURS! And yes, darling, I said ours...Let's just get this pitiful man out of the way first, shall we?"
I continued to squirm, bite, scream, anything I could manage to do as my body weakened.  We all agreed to leave firearms in the vehicle, just in case Martin made an appearance so he wouldn't take it as a threat.  Why did I run off?  I just pretty much marked both Trevor and Mikey for death.  This can't be happening...
"Hey! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"
I heard the familiar Canadian voice that I know and love bellow out, along with footsteps.
"What the fuck are you doing with her?!"
Mikey called out.
I heard the footsteps abruptly stop.
"Stand back Michael.  I respect you too much to accidentally take you out in the process, at least for now.  Everything is mine, Trevor Philips. The strip club you swore I would never take, the lab and your goofy little minions running it, the island, and most importantly, she's mine too."
"Listen, you can take all my shit, the lab, club, island, all my assets that I worked endlessly for.  You can take my money, whatever you want.  But please..please don't take the love of my life!"
I managed to open my eyes to catch a glimpse of Trevor pleading, tears welling up in his eyes.  Michael was dumbfounded, in between jumping this armed man and ending his family's future or standing back and dreadfully witnessing this.  Trevor dropped to the ground, hands up as if he was bowing down to Tommy.
"Please, Tommy, please don't take her away!"
Tommy chuckled.
"It's too late now for a pity party, T. Your reign is now over!"
A gunshot filled my ears and I felt my body drop to the ground..

Finding Myself in You-Sequel to "Hidden Identity-A Trevor Philips FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now