Chapter 7

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I dropped Trevor off at his truck, instructing him to go and get Carter. For one, if I met Miguel, I would want to go ahead and cut to the chase, which I wasn't quite ready for. And as of right now, I just couldn't stand facing Mrs. Madrazo. Sure, I get pissed off about Trevor's jealousy, but what Michael and I had between us was simply a one night fuck up, and he took care of me while Trevor and I were split. What those two had together..from what I've heard, was much, much more. Ron once told me that Trevor cried for days on end after returning her to Martin. Although Trevor no doubt loves me, I'm sure he still has feelings for her somewhere, deep down, like a first love in high school or some shit.
Perhaps he just settled for me, or perhaps he settled more for the kid. I mean, he begged me to come back. He bragged to Michael and all his other friends about me. He seemed to be a changed man in the almost three years we've been together, two of which with a family. But, he cheated on me, and that I'll never forget. Would he have cheated on Patricia?
Damn it, Bryn..maybe I'm just overthinking again..
I arrive at the trailer and immediately crash onto the bed. I was exhausted, physically and mentally. I knew the boys would be home any minute, so I decided to doze off.

Trevor's POV

"Alright, a nutshell, this 'El Rubio' guy has some dirt on your family, and you want us to obtain the dirt? Seems easy enough."
"Exactly! For some reason I thought I had talked this over with a different, uh, more..immobile man."
"You're probably thinking of Lester. He..passed..unfortunately. Left this job to his niece and I. Don't worry though, I assure you we can get the job done."
"I believe it, sir. My mother also vouches for you. You two must've been pretty close friends back in the day."
"Yeah..we were friends alright."
I chuckled.
I figured I would go ahead and arrange the plans beforehand. Maybe it would make Bryn less upset. She claimed to be tired, but I think I know why she didn't want to come. I mean, what was I supposed to do? Leave the kid with Ron or Wade? Ron is alright in a pinch I guess but with him taking over TPI, he's a massive target. I don't want my son around that stuff. Yet here I am, coming out of retirement for ole Lester the molester. He always hated when I called him that. Damn, I kinda miss him. He was a good friend, never really betrayed me like Mikey. I guess I could've been better by him. He had a lot of faith in me, that's for sure.
I shook myself out of thought as Patricia entered the corridor, Carter fast asleep in your arms.
"He's been a darling. Just like his papa."
I smiled a bit.
"Thanks for this, Patricia. Here, let me pay you."
I started to reach in my wallet, but her hand grabbed mine.
" need. It was a pleasure."
She carefully passed along the sleeping baby. I chuckled, throwing him over my shoulder.
"He takes after his mama. Loves a good nap."
Patricia gently smiled.
"So..tell me about this..girlfriend of yours. I know we haven't really got a chance to catch up in a while."
"Wife..actually. She's my world. I would've never thought she would be the one, but we grew close with time..kind of like us in a way..but different."
I blurted out.
"I messed around and cheated on her. I was drunk out of my mind. I meant to propose that day, but that messed it up. I lost her for a while..then I found out she was expecting. She endured some injuries so I didn't know it was possible, or how it would turn out. Thankfully, it turned in our favor for once, and she gave me a beautiful little family. She makes me a better man, day by day. I couldn't be more thankful and happy."
"Beautiful. Beautiful story. She sounds perfect for you, Trevor. You need to keep her."
Patricia wiped a tear from her eye. I could see she was genuinely happy for me. I honestly enjoyed every second I had with Patricia as well, but it was a puppy love. What I have with Bryn is true love, and I wouldn't change it for the world.
"Thank you, Patricia. It means a lot. Say, I might need you to babysit for us soon. Her Uncle passed away and we're..having to take care of some business."
"I completely understand. Anytime you need, just give me a call."
With that she wrapped her arms around me, giving me a gentle hug. I tensed up, giving her a half hug in return. I knew she meant nothing by it, but I wouldn't want to make Bryn mad.
"So..I'll see you later, I guess."
"Take care, Trevor."
I loaded Carter up in his car seat, struggling with all the belts. Bryn was definitely better at this for sure. I finally got it situated and took off towards Sandy Shores.
I thought about the conversation I had with Patricia. I was a lucky man. It takes a special woman to stay with me, through all my outbursts and insecurities. Hell, I don't deserve someone like Bryn. I cheated on her. I kidnapped her with the intent to kill her. All the fights we've been through, yet our love is still so strong. I think I've gotten better about everything except the jealousy, which she obviously has a touch of too. Maybe we're both just still insecure. Maybe we should go to therapy, like Michael and his family, although I don't really believe in the shrink bullshit. Or maybe it's just part of marriage, and we will get over these bumps with time. I truly love her. I don't want to lose her and I especially don't want to mess things up.
I carefully creep into the trailer, hearing soft snores from our bedroom. I tucked Carter in and snuck in bed beside Bryn, who was fast asleep. I guess she was exhausted after all. I placed a kiss on her cheek and wrapped my arms around her. I would tell her the news in the morning. Next step..buying a submarine.

Finding Myself in You-Sequel to "Hidden Identity-A Trevor Philips FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now