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Enterprise: (Internal monologue) I suppose that war does not change regardless of the time, the war has always been like that, it has always started because of the arrogance or greed of one side causing unnecessary suffering to the innocent who have nothing to do with the war ... Death, desolation and devastation of nature and the environment itself ... Yes, war does not change regardless of time or place ...


Hello boys and girls today I will do a real life hack and make myself invisible to the enemy, for this I will go sailing at 1/3 power from my current position to Orochi's position, to achieve this I will move slowly and shoot the least possible to rescue Akagi.

To begin with, I am going to choose the best route, this means that I will move through a place that gives me better coverage, this is because a radar, no matter how accurate it is, all without exception have a blind spot at a distance of less than 1km or 2km, that's why I got very close to one of the siren cruisers since it offers me a perfect concealment against enemy radars and also offers me more freedom. I then slowly sailed to another cruiser near me and used their radar signature to sneak past enemy radars.

Another step to avoid being discovered by the enemy is not to shoot for as long as possible, if you navigate in silence you will realize that you can hear the enemy's shots and you can triangulate their position by listening to the noise of their cannons firing, in short If the enemy does not hear you and they cannot see you, the enemy will not know that you are there.

Before infiltrating the enemy fleet, I could check on my radar that the enemy fleet has 140 warships escorting Orochi, so I am already clear about the position of the enemy ships and their classifications.

I managed to get to the middle of the way, from here on, the covers are not that great since there are many destroyers guarding Orochi, so I adapt my plans to the current circumstance, in that I could find a small gap between the destroyers and I sneak into the signature of one of the destroyers that accidentally went out of formation, and I have already drawn a safe route that will take me to Orochi without being detected by any enemy radar and sonar.

Because my coverage is not great I have to be forewarned and that is why my 152mm guns are aimed at the enemies and ready to fire at any moment.

I am already reaching my objective which is the battleship Orochi and so far I have not been detected, but we must not forget that my best camouflage is slow advance, many times when we advance fast we appear in the visual field of the enemy who sees us out of the corner of his/her eye and we can get their attention, so moving slowly will be our best camouflage.

I already reached my goal and threw a harpoon on the deck rail of the Orochi, to launch the harpoon I threw it in a desolate place since throwing a harpoon near someone would be very silly, the harpoon when hooking on something will always make a sound to alert the enemy if we are not careful, then I climb with due caution to the deck.

Upon arrival I could see that Orochi and Akagi are turning their backs on me, so I will use the perspective to my advantage, in a few words I will move over the objects that obstruct the field of vision of both girls and thus I will be able to approach them without being detected.

Talk in advance about not shooting for as long as possible, because when the time comes to do so, make a safe shot that eliminates the enemy in the fewest number of shots, since shooting and missing will alert the enemy and they will discover in the position in which are.

For this occasion I'm going to use my weapon that I use when I'm pissed off ... If I'm going to use my DP-12.


Orochi: (screams in pain) AAAHGHHHHHH!

Akagi: (hypnotized) Onesama! You bitch!

I ran quickly and got on Akagi's back and used the butt of my shotgun and hit her on the nape leaving her unconscious and then I charged her bridal and ran for the Orochi deck, the enemy already realized that I am here and they point their weapons at me, but they don't fire as they could damage Orochi if they shoot.

Grau: Well, if they don't shoot I will.

I fired my main cannons hitting an enemy destroyer and sunk it, then reloaded my cannons and fired at another destroyer, apparently my taunt worked as the destroyers started firing at me.

Grau: It seems that the enemy is very stupid.

Dodge all the enemy projectiles and they hit the Orochi deck, after making a mess in the siren fleet, I slip into the enemy defenses and easily escape the enemy defense network with Akagi.

Grau: [Enty-chan, I just rescued Akagi-chan, can you continue with the heavy bombardment]


All: [Understood]

A long thing that looks like a rocket comes out of the aft flight deck of the Orochi.

A long thing that looks like a rocket comes out of the aft flight deck of the Orochi

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Grau: What is that?

Orochi: [They will pay dearly to harm me!]

Bolognesi: [Leader! Is that what I think that is !?]

Grau: [I think so? Do you have a clean shot?]

Bolognesi: [That is out of my limit now, I am somewhat busy with Kaga-chi's planes, I am helping Zuikaku to defeat Kaga.]

Grau: Damn!


The missile started the launch phase.

The missile started the launch phase

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THIS STORY WILL CONTINUE..........................................

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