enchantment 📺 [ chapter 1 ]

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The three V's consist of some of the most powerful overlords all throughout hell, Valentino, Velvet, and Vox. These three seem to have all the sinners of hell in the palm of their hands, the mention of any of their names;A whimper could be heard. They knew how to make demons tremble with just their presence. Even other overlords got a bit nervous around them, well all except Lucifer of course. But anyone else, knows their place; They have no place talking down on those three at least not in public or where they could see them.
Though today, Vox would find a certain specimen watching one of his televisions. Someone who he wouldn't be able to get off his mind...

It was like any other day for the TV Overlord.
Vox was retaining some power from his television's early morning broadcasts from all throughout Hell. It's what got his energy kickstarted in the morning, and today he was planning to upgrade his screen. As he started to pick his classic blue suit out, he heard some interference one one of the many screens he had around. A staticky noise.. and a radio?
'What the hell is going—' He turned to the noise and noticed a tall, red figure with a black shadow behind him on the screen.

"Nothing good on these things nowadays, hm?"
The red demon's smiling somehow widening. Vox suppressed the urge to punch the screen in-front of him right then and there. There's something about this ignorant demon he wanted to see more of, 'Is this guy an idiot?' Vox frowned, 'He knows I can see and hear everything he's saying. Right?' Vox grimaced, getting more annoyed by the second. Somehow it felt like this red demon was mocking him, whether it was directed at him or not. Vox wants to show dominance over this ignorant sinner so out of anger, his face popped up largely on the TV  the other demon was watching.
His yellow smile widened; eyes slanted in amusement. "This has to be the worst picture show yet!" A distorted laughter affected played through the red demon's newly appeared staff.

A smirk formed on Vox's face
Oh how he loved to traumatize these types of people, the ones who think they have the spirit to stand up. Maybe they do, but Vox's gets pleasure from crushing them down, into a broken soul. Beckoning at his every will and need, begging for mercy.
As he focused on the red demon in front of him he smiled back at him,
'Maybe I can turn this into something exciting..'

The TV overlord had an intimidating aura but for some reason it didn't look as if it's affecting the red demon. 'That'll change soon enough,' Vox thought. He began to speak, "You there." He spoke with a tone strong enough to intimidate any demon, "Who allowed you to give your useless opinion?"
The red demon's expression stayed the same but somehow felt sly, "Oh?" He chuckled, " I didn't realize I needed permission to tell the truth!" He tapped the microphone on his staff, "My apologies, I didn't know we had to apologize for such disappointing entertainment~"
Vox felt his anger levels rising within his wires and circuits, he didn't let it show but oh how this red demon was getting to him.
"What's your name, fawn?" Vox sounded condescending.
The red demon's ears perked up at that pet name,  clearly irritated. His smile staying all the same, "Why should I give you the pleasure of knowing my name, scrap?" The black shadow behind him seemed to chuckle at that.
The TV Overlord liked seeing his irritation even if he tried to hide it, "Well little fawn, I could just search for you throughout my database. No demon can hide themselves from me, not even the lowliest imp. You could just make it easier for me, and yourself by just saying it now." Vox's tone seemed to get more stern as he went on.
The red demon yawned sarcastically, "This is becoming a bore, I want to end this conversation."
The TV demon decided he needed to do something to show this deer demon who's in control here.
"If you don't tell me your name, fawn. I'll send so many of my workers after you; You won't have the chance to stop and take a breath. If that fails? I'll just come after you myself. Trust me when I say this fawn, you won't like me when I'm angry. Understand?"

There was something to the TV demon's tone that the red demon did not like. He did not like being pushed around, but he'd never felt so intimidated by another demon's words before. Though he was not so easy to give in,
"Fine I'll let you know my name scrap..."
Vox's eyes widen in anticipation.
"The Radio Demon! There's something you can use other than those childish nicknames of yours!" The Radio Demon's smile widened, slyly; Knowing how much he made the TV demon tick.
"Well thank you for wasting my precious time Scrap, but I'm a busy gentlemen! I'm sure you understand~ or.. perhaps you don't." His smile condescending the TV demon. With a snap of his fingers, the Radio Demon disappeared.

Vox didn't even get to fit a word in, he was so shocked that someone would be this disobedient to him! The TV Overlord; One of the Three V's?!
This wasn't acceptable.
He took his face off of the screen where the Radio Demon once was, returning to his own,
He used his electricity power to surround that same screen and crack it, he growled and muttered swears underneath his breath.

This wasn't over, he started searching through his database everywhere for a sign of this 'Radio Demon.'
A couple minutes later he got some results, Alastor the infamous Radio Demon. A mortal soul that came to hell with raw power and made a name for himself by taking down overlords that were dominant for centuries with ease.
'Huh, how cute.' Vox smiled with a hint of malice, 'He thinks he has power over me because he took down some century old overlords? That's adorable—' The TV demon had a sick grin on his face.
He heard another buzz of static on another one of his TV screens, and he saw a black silhouette of Alastor pass by, and was gone once Vox blinked.

'We'll meet again Alastor, whether you find it pleasurable or not.'

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