📻 agitation [ chapter 2 ]

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The radio demon hummed a familiar tune, his fingers gliding across his staff. Taking his daily walk along the dirty streets of Hell.
Alastor had somewhat forgotten his earlier encounter with the TV Demon. In fact he thought the threats directed at him were empty.
'Surely he won't keep his 'promise.'' Alastor snickered almost juvenilely at the thought.

But Alastor knew nothing of what was going on currently at one of Valentino's many houses.
A heavy pink smoke trailed throughout the house and the source was of course the slender moth demon who had an annoyed look.
Vox was ranting, and he had a lot to say about this Radio Demon. Val knew someone had stepped out of line or something of the sort... but he tuned out of the conversation awhile ago.
His eyes slanted showing obvious annoyance, "Listen Voxxy," he put out his cigar, "If you're so obsessed with this pest why not play with it a little?" He smiled with malicious intent.
Vox grimaced and sat beside the moth demon. "What kind of playing are you talking about," Vox's looked to his ally attentively. The moth demon has successfully piqued his little friend's interest.
"Well, depends on whatever pisses off your little demon more," he grinned.
That was a problem for Vox, he didn't know too much about the Radio Demon's personality. Although he knew that he disliked pet names that would only be a mere annoyance. He needed something good, something that would make this little fawn seethe with agitation.
"Val, do you have anything on the Radio Demon? Anything at all?"
Valentino thought carefully as he had a lot of people to keep track of. "...that's who's bothering you that hick who's stuck in 80's?" He snarled, "All I know about that freak is he's currently associating with Lucifer's daughter," the slender demon began to light another cigar. It was clear Val also disliked this demon though the TV demon wasn't about to ask why, he wasn't here to get his screen smashed.
"Why? What's he got to do with the Princess of Hell?" Vox questioned with precaution.
"I'm not sure Voxxy," Val's voice was laced with hostility, "...something about that laughing-stock of a rehabilitation hotel." He puffed out another wave of pink smoke.
Vox knew to drop the topic then and there, he'd find something about the little fawn. He knew exactly where to start now, the Happy Hotel.

He glared at Val with a hint of spite and Val caught attention of this.
"Voxxy... drop the attitude~" The slender demon tapped his fingers across the other demon's screen. As if he was daring to break him with a bit more pressure.
Vox felt electricity surge through him similar to a human's adrenaline.
He mumbled, "..sorry Val." The moth demon forced the TV Demon's screen to face him, "What did you say baby?"
"I'm sorry Val." The TV demon said clearly.
The moth demon let him go gently, "Good, now I've got business at the studio," he stood up making his way to the door, "See you later Voxxy~"
The door clicked and the moth demon's footsteps slowly faded.

Vox was left alone with his thoughts and despite what just went on a few minutes before all he could think about is that little pest, The Radio Demon.
'Just you wait little fawn, you won't get away with screwing me over.' He sneered continuing to plan his little demon's demise.

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