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The Bad Batch jumped out of hyperspace and into the middle of two star destroyers.  "Tech......." Hunter said standing up to get the ship back into hyperspace.  The ship flew into hyperspace again.  "That was a close one, we need to be more careful. If we do that again we could all get arrested," He said.  Tech ducked his head away. Probably feeling guilty that he put them all in danger.  Hunter sighed.  The ship stopped abruptly and they were thrown out of hyperspace.  Omega came stumbling over to Hunter.  "What's going on?!" she yelled.  They were going to crash into a planet that kept getting closer.  "Tech!" Hunter yelled.  "I can't control it!"  Hunter wrapped his arms around Omega and braced for the impact of the crash.  The ship hit the cliff and then fell off, falling until it crashed and everything went dark.


Hunter woke up first, looking around for the others.  But there was only Omega still in his arms.  They were trapped under a collapsed part of the ship.  His comm started beeping and he turned it on.  "Hunter, where are you?  We can't find you or Omega anywhere," Techs voice came through. Hunter coughed.  "Omegas with me, and we're in the ship still, where are you?" He said.  "It seems we have been flung out of the ship and into a different part of this canyon," He said.  "We'll look for you, just stay where you are, Tech. Are the others with you?" Hunter said.  "Yes, they are. We'll stay here and comm you if anything happens." The comm cut out and Hunter lifted the piece of fallen ship off of him and Omega.  Omega coughed and woke up.  "Are you okay Hunter?" She asked.   "I'm fine. What about you kid?" Omega nodded.  "We have to find the others because they fell out of the ship while we were falling, but we got trapped under that, so we didn't," Hunter said pointing at the piece of ship.  "Okay, but if we leave the ship, jawas could steal our stuff," Omega pointed out.  "You're right. This does look like Tatooine......" Hunter suddenly remembered that Anakin, one of the Jedi he used to work with, was from here.  He did not usually like to think about General Skywalker though, because it only reminded him of how good of a friend he was, and then turned to the dark side and caused all of this galactic chaos, killing innocent people, trying to kill him and his squad...."What's wrong Hunter? You look.....worried," Omega said.  "Nothings wrong, just some old memory's from the clone wars days have caught up to me because of seeing this planet," Hunter said.  He turned on his comm and hailed Tech.  "Change of plans, you have to find us. If we leave the ship jawas will scavenge it and steal it, and we won't be able to get out of here," There was a long pause of silence.  "All right, we're coming," Tech said before the comm cut off again.

Bad Batch: Hunter & OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now