The plan

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Hunter paced around the cockpit, wondering how they were going to rescue Wrecker.  "They don't leave their own behind........most of the time"  Crosshair's words kept playing over in his head.  He had left Crosshair behind.  And now Wrecker, too.  Hunter coughed.  Being choked by Vader had obviously hurt  him.  Poor Omega kept getting worried every time  he coughed.  Omega's leg was cut while she was trying to get back into the ship, because there had been a loose piece of sharp metal hanging off of the ship.  Again, Hunter was blaming himself for everything. Tech and Echo were still knocked out.  "Hunter, you have to stop blaming yourself,"  Omega said almost as if she had read his mind.  Hunter sighed.  Tech started to stir, and then he got up.  "Is everyone all right? wait, where's Wrecker?"  Hunter felt a stab of guilt that he let one of his brothers become a captive of the empire.  "He was captured-cough-cough-by the empire," he said.  "Oh. How is your throat by the way? It seemed Anakin....I mean Vader, had a strong grip on your throat," Tech said.  "It's fine. We need to come up with a plan to save Wrecker, though," Hunter said.  Echo got up, shaking away the drowsiness.  "Hunter, what happened? Last thing I saw was you being choked by Anakin," he said worriedly.  "I'm fine-" "You mean Anakin turned to the dark side? I thought that he died along with the rest of the Jedi after order 66," Omega cut in.  All heads turned to her, all of them looking surprised.  "How do you know General Skywalker?" Echo asked.  Echo had worked with Anakin more than anybody else in the Batch.  "I've had to help heal him a few times back on Kamino, he was always near explosions or got himself into a crash, or other things. Actually, I've had to help heal him A LOT,"  Omega said remembering all of the times she's had to heal General Skywalker.  Echo laughed.  "I'm not surprised. He WAS always getting into some sort of crash," he said. The comm around Omega's wrist started blinking.  Omega clicked the receive button.  "Don't come back, there planning to kill Hunter, and you too, Omega-" Wreckers voice was cut off by Vader's voice.  "You've ruined my plan, you clone!" He said, and then Wrecker yelped, and there was a back-stabbing light saber noise.      

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