Back To Normal

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It had been three weeks since the sad death of Wrecker.  Every thing was back to normal now.  Hunter was still a little shaken by it, he had mentioned something of a love once.  Omega wondered what it must be like for Hunter, losing three people.  Tech had started to enjoy the presence of Omega more.  Echo never talked.  And they were back to working for Cid.  They were on their way to pick up a cargo from Mandalore, but first like usual they had to steal it. Hunter winced and put his hand up to his head. Tech looked up from his datapad and walked over.  Hunter had sat down in his seat.  "It looks like you're having a migraine, Hunter. You should go get some rest.  Hunter nodded and went to his bed.  Tech scooped up Omega and sat down with her in his lap.  "Will Hunter be alright?" She asked.  Tech nodded and sighed.  "He hasn't had a migraine for a long time, though. It must be from all of the pressure and loss. He never talks about it, but he once had a really close friend.  Her name was Jedi Master Yipuli. He still hopes that she is still alive, but now it seems that he's let all hope go and let the sadness and stress destroy him. We have all been secretly searching for her, and we found her, but she is ruling Mandalore now. And when we found her she told us to stay away because the Empire always has an eye on her, and if they find us, we will be exterminated. We haven't told Hunter, but I think it's time he knows she is still alive. You weren't there when he cradled the General in his arms, thinking she was dead. It was..........heart braking to watch," Tech said holding Omega tight.  Omega leaned her head on his shoulder.  "What if Wrecker's still alive, Tech?" She asked.  Tech sighed.  "There could be a possibility, but for now, we don't have a way to save him even if he was," he said.  Omega thought about that.  Tech was right.  She got down and went to go get her Bad Batcher doll.  Then she climbed back into Techs lap.  Tech patted Omega's head and she fell asleep.  I hope Wrecker is still alive , Tech thought before closing his eyes and fell into a long needed sleep.

Bad Batch: Hunter & OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now