The Dangerous Mission

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The ship was still gliding through hyperspace when  Echo woke up.  He laughed. "I don't think Hunter will ever sleep alone again," Tech laughed from behind Echo.  "Yeah," he agreed.  Tech pulled out one of the blankets from the back of the ship, and put it over Hunter and Omega.  Wrecker got up and went with Echo and Tech to the back of the ship.  Hunter woke up, his head still hurting from being hit.  Omega was still asleep on his lap, and there was a blanket there that he didn't remember seeing before falling asleep.  He leaned back into his chair and rested his hand on Omegas head.  "I honestly don't know what I'd do without you," Hunter whispered.  He smiled.  The rest of the squad thought of it super hilarious that he was acting like her father.  He laughed and put his arms behind his neck, closing his eyes again, and falling back to sleep.  Omega woke Hunter up about three hours later.  She was smiling and looked happy.  All of the crew looked happy.  They all needed the sleep.  "Hunter, Rex is hailing us," Tech said startling Hunter.  Omega was still on Hunters lap, laying there peacefully.  "Answer it," he said.  Rex appeared holographically in front of them.  "Hunter, I have a mission for you....."  Rex started but then saw Omega laying on Hunters lap.  Hunter smiled.  "What's the mission Rex?"  He asked.  Rex cleared his throat, straitening up.  "Cad Bane is out to get one of my oldest friends," he said.  A wave of worry swept over Omega and it got freezing,  so she snuggled closer to Hunter.  "You have to go alone though, Hunter," He said looking at Omega specifically.  Omega got colder and colder each second until Hunter put his arms around her and sat up.  "You can't do this, Hunter.  Remember what happened last time?" Omega said, turning even colder.   "Yes, but I have to help, you know that," Hunter said.  Omega nodded and rested her head on his shoulder.  "I'll do it, Rex." he said.  "Good, meet me at these coordinates," Rex said and then his hologram disappeared.  "Alright, let's go," Tech said and  put the coordinates into the ship.  When the ship pulled out of hyperspace, Omega didn't want to let go of Hunter.  She followed him to the door and then stopped.  She couldn't go any farther.  Hunter turned around and knelt down to Omegas level.  "Listen, Omega," he said putting his hands on her shoulders.  "If something happens to me, Rex will be following in the shadows.  There's no reason to worry. I or Rex will send you the coordinates so you can come pick me up, alright?" Omega nodded and hugged him and started to cry. When she let go she watched Hunter walk away, and then Tech rested his hand on her shoulder.  The door to the ship shut and they flew away to somewhere safer to land.

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