Last Morning

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(A LITTLE TRIGGER WARNING JUST IN CASE :) y/n is still in Chris's grasps)

I woke up very suddenly to the door being closed, I had gotten so used to responding to the sounds of the door opening and closing, I truly began to miss my alarm in moments like this. I assume that Chris left to get groceries again, or to maybe go hangout with friends. He had started to become a lot more lenient with me, or so he called it. He no longer had me chained when he left, and he started to go out more. I told myself in the beginning that I would try to find a way out as soon as I could no matter the cost, but now I knew better than to try and get away, Chris would ultimately end up finding me again somehow. He had friends all over town and to their knowledge me and him were back together. We all grew up in a small town about 6 hours away from New York City, New York and that's where Chris had taken me back to.

I struggled to get myself up because I was still so sore, but I managed to get up and make myself some breakfast. Me and Chris came to an agreement that, since I wouldn't eat what he cooked, I would start to make the food so that I knew it was safe. I gave up a couple of weeks ago that anyone would ever find me, Chris would listen to police scanners just in case anything was filled about my disappearance and nothing ever came through. I hadn't seen Arny in almost 2 months and my heart was completely shattered in the process, I truly don't know how I have survived this long especially with my sleep paralysis issues, how come Arny never told me it was this bad? I constantly came very close to following that far off light but something always seemed to bring me back, I think it might be the fact that I cared so much for Arny and that all I wanted was to see him again, without that belief I would've been long gone.

Chris finally returned and he told me to sit with him and watch some football. Some were re-runs and some were live games. This had always been me and Chris's thing, even when we were a lot younger. We would watch football together and make bets as to who we think might win. I would get so into the game and just love spending time with him, and it broke me when I couldn't get into it the way I used to and it made Chris upset as well. He had been trying so hard to get me back with him, but my image of him will never change. He did unspeakable things to me and people I cared about when we were together, and I never saw him as that sweet 16 year old boy I fell in love ever again. I feel like somewhere deep down he knew that and that's why he has become kinder to me these past couple months.


He finally went to bed and I began to clean up the apartment a little bit before I went off to bed. Chris had me in a separate room from him because he claims that I snore too much and he needs his beauty rest, whatever. I don't snore because I know that I don't sleep, I'm so petrified that the string that's holding me to this world will break and I'll never see Arny again. I finally finished crossing up the place and made my way to my room, I sat on the floor and read a book or two so that I wouldn't fall asleep.

Before I could stop myself my eyes began to shut and I began to drift off. I found myself in the graveyard that Arny took me to, I finally turned my head and looked deep into his beautifully dark eyes, and that was the moment I knew I was dreaming. I reached out to brush one curl from his face so I could see his eyes more clearly, he was perfect, absolutely perfect. I wanted him to hold me again and he did, but I couldn't feel his warmth or smell his cologne and my stomach began to tighten I hated that I couldn't feel his presence anymore! I wanted him so desperately to say that it was all gonna be okay and that I would be with him soon, I began to sob. My eyes suddenly flashed open and I felt a numbness surge through my limbs, my lungs refused to take any oxygen in and a dark cloud formed above my head. Somehow I knew that this would be the last one, my last night, my last day, and my last morning. My tears began to sting my cold cheeks, I never even got to say goodbye. I never got to feel the softness of his lips, I never got the pleasure of hearing his voice call me his everything.

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