Chapter 49: A Date for Two

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Ryan's POV

Monday, November 22 – Downtown Charlotte, North Carolina

I had to admit there had been a recent change in our lives.

It'd be fun having Isabelle spending time at the house. It'd been fun getting to see other sides of her. Did you know she's a killer cook? We know I'll definitely be fed well in her hands. She also is addicted to Star Wars as I am, perhaps even more with some of the strange facts that she was able to recall. I finally had someone to sit on the couch, put on the movie marathon, and not offer a single complaint.

Oh, and she also is completely awesome with Sturgis, which is a bonus.

I knew I took a risk in asking her to move in, not knowing what the future may hold. I took a risk not knowing where my feelings truly lied after everything that happened. However, here we were, living together, getting to know each other even more in a different light – and I wouldn't change a thing.

Actually, I would encourage it to happen if life repeated itself as it was giving me a whole new understanding. Although a part of me still loathed for what I had with Chase, and perhaps that'd always be a small piece of me, I could honestly see this future with her moving forward.

"I can't believe how much fun we had today," she comments as she wraps an arm around my waist, to which I couldn't complain in return.

It was odd for me to have a day in the week off to where I didn't need to go to the shop, do any appearances or interviews, or even spend time checking in with the foundation. Call it Thanksgiving break, but it was nice to have.

With knowing how much Isabelle had endured all year for me, I wanted to make this first day off special for us both. I mean, it was what I owed her for putting up with my floppy feeling self. It was what I owed her for dealing with everything we faced for our – my mistake. There was also the fact she accepted that original deal. Who would do that humanly?

It was why I offered to take her into town, and give her the full Charlotte experience. Being that she was a new resident, it was only fair to show her all of the best places to check out in town. I let her go shopping at my sister's store – discount helps there might I add, took her to my favorite spot to eat, and added a couple other adventurous spots along the way.

"So I was a good tour guide after all?" I question, to which she looks up at me with a smile. I'd consider that a five-star review if I do say so myself.

"I may have to take you up on more of these offers," she tells me, before leaning in for a kiss of the lips. Damn, her lip gloss tasted absolutely amazing today.

"I have no problem with that as I have plenty places I would like to show you." Actually, let's be honest, there may be not be a whole ton – but I was bound to find some if the experience was set to be this amazing.

"There's probably some things that I would like to show you, too." While I thought we were still on the same topic, a squeeze of the butt told me otherwise. Supposedly, I guess I'd be fine with that tour as well.

"You always know that I'm up for some adventures there." Wasn't that how we got stuck in this mess together, anyway? I still couldn't complain – well, except for the pain that I caused Chase in return. I know I royally screwed up and caused more than I should have even thought of bringing up for him.

"Then why are we still standing here?" That's a damn good question as I could definitely feel that want increasing with each word spoken.

It was why we decided to make a quick stop for desert – couldn't pass up this ice cream place anytime I was downtown, after all. Rather than standing there and enjoying it while checking out the skyline, the decision was made to head home with it so we could get a head start on everything.

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