Chapter 63: His Testimony

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Alex's POV

Saturday, December 18 – Atlanta, GA Courthouse

I was supposed to be in Colorado. I flew to Colorado yesterday with friends. I slept in Colorado last night. I woke up there, but yet here I was spending my afternoon back in Georgia.

If it was up to me, my vacation would not be interrupted. I'd be still having a ball of a good time with CJ and Tyler, sledding around, enjoying the snow, having fun. I would also get to spend my nights with my best friend, as his family cabin wasn't far from where we were.

Instead, though, here I sat. I promised Chase that I'd make every attempt to attend each of these court appearances and after missing the first session, I wasn't about to miss another one. So I told my friends I had a commitment, and said I'd be back later on that day and here we sat.

I was probably more shocked the courts were open on a Saturday. I mean, when did that become a thing? I thought you could only host trial proceedings during weekdays.

"Her lawyer persuaded them as nobody should spend Christmas in jail if they're innocent," is the explanation given. I thought the judge wasn't supposed to assume anything either way no matter what, and that seemed a little assuming. But at least it wasn't the judge's lone decision, but yet a jury of 12 people. Hopefully once they heard every bit of evidence, it just came together.

I knew today was probably going to be the toughest day through the process. He had to sit up there before this room, including strangers he didn't know, and retell the story of what happened. He hadn't even shared the full details as to what happened with me alone. How was this even fair to make someone do this?

I took my seat in the court room, minding the distance as Chase and I addressed previously to not create conversation. Bill and Cindy took the reins of sitting either side of him, which was appropriate as he deserved all their attention and support right now. If I couldn't hold his hand, they were certainly next in line. Rather than being where I'd prefer, I sat a couple roles behind, alongside Alan, Ryan and Troy. It just felt right as we're all there for "support and understanding," right?

"Mr. Elliott, do you recall the date of when the alleged attack happened?" The district attorney questions. What did it matter when? All that mattered is what she did.

"Sunday, December 5," he answers directly. It was probably a day that would be engrained in his mind for years to come and all for the wrong reasons. "It was the first day home after a couple weeks of racing, so I was doing laundry."

"Can you please tell us what happened?" That seemed easy enough right – or probably the most impossible task at all. I wish I could go up there and hold his hand for support.

"I heard the doorbell as I was putting the last load in. I was surprised as I wasn't expecting any company, and the usual people wouldn't." Hence why I now had a key to his place so I could enter anytime I wanted. It felt special that he trusted that much to hand it over. "I was surprised when I saw it was her there, to be honest."

"Who are you referring to when you say her?" I'm sorry but that's damn fucking obvious. Everybody in the room could figure that out.

"Kaitlyn Bennett." The way her name just so easily rolled off his tongue, no emotion attached, just seemed effortless. I was expecting a bit of anger or pain laced in there, but I also knew he was one of the best in keeping personal emotions at bay.

"What is your relationship with Ms. Bennett like?" This should be gold. Can they please allow me to go up on the stand? I'd gladly share just how much I hated her damn guts for the majority of the time and didn't even know half of the damn truth.

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