Chapter 52: Noisy Blaney

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Alex's POV

Saturday, November 27 – Charlotte, North Carolina

"How many more boxes are there to ship out?" I hear and can only laugh as I point towards the stack that was in the corner of the shop.

When everyone was saying they would order a Hack shirt if we offered them, I thought they were joking. However, that was nowhere near the case as here I was stuck for another day trying to help the guys with the overload of orders.

What were we thinking offering this many pre-orders of this shirt, as well as re-releasing the other shirt? Someone remind me of this experience the next time I have a similar situation.

For the second night in a row, though, my focus was torn from the packages that I was beginning to put together. This time, it wasn't someone trying to catch my attention because of a visitor. No, I noticed the visitor as I recognized them as they drove up the driveway – there was a few who visited my property driving for a Ford, and only one whom owned a Bronco.

What the heck was he doing here today?

I remembered the text message that he sent about Kaitlyn, and appreciated it honestly. It was nice to see that he was willing to look out in regards to danger despite everything that happened. Considering what she'd done, any warning was deserving.

If he was here about that, I would be surprised as both Chase and I responded. Besides, that'd been a couple days anyway.

My mind of course began to wander to any other possible reason that he would be here, and any connection possible to Chase. There was mentions of him driving by the property, having commented in seeing his truck at my place a lot. But Chase was out of town right now, and considering everybody knew where he was, why would Ryan be here in that regard?

I watch him climb out of the Bronco, shutting the door promptly behind him as I walk out of the shop. There was a pretty good chance this was a conversation that I didn't need any of the guys hearing if it pertained to anything in regards to the relationship.

"So Chase goes out of town to go racing, and you find someone else to play with?" He questions, causing me to freeze in tracks immediately.

What the heck was he talking about? Where did he come off saying anything like that? It feels like the shoe is on the other foot here, but damn, it wasn't like I did anything. Meanwhile, we know what happened with Isabelle.

Ah yes, Rose McFarland. How could I forget about her? She was here yesterday. We shared a conversation together – and there was the tendency that he liked to stalk the property. I was biting my tongue big time right now because I wanted to chew his ass out more than anything about that, but I had to laugh instead. It showed just how jealous he was actually.

But of course, Rose and I took a photo together. I remembered seeing it on Instagram as she shared it afterwards, tagging me in it. So more than likely, Ryan would have saw it because I think he follows her anyway.

I guess his mind immediately went to the gutter - not surprising considering what he did with Isabelle – and here we are. Meanwhile, I'm happy to report that I am not like him at all in return. Instead, I respect boundaries. I drew the line with Rose and made her understand that we couldn't cross that path.

Now how was I supposed to approach Ryan about this? Considering he just walked up to my door and accused me of cheating on Chase, repeating his very mistake, thinking that I'd be that stupid, not giving me any credit, it felt like a damn slap in the face.

"So I see you're still jealous and stalking me with nightly driv-" I start because regardless, I think this is a topic that needs to be addressed. You need to let it go, bud. You fucked up, and ultimately, you should know the consequences.

"I saw the photo of you and Rose on Instagram," he cuts me off, which I figured out already. Thanks Captain Obvious. "I also know that you have a history together. Do I need to say anything else?"

"No, because nothing happened. She came over to say hello because she was in-town, we talked about how life has been going, and that was it." We also talked about how we couldn't be together because my feelings had shifted, but damn, he didn't need to know any of that. it'd just give him unnecessary ammunition.

"Are you sure you're not just saying that because that's what you want Chase and I to believ-"

"Do you really think I'd repeat the same mistake that you made, Ryan?" I hated to shove it in his face for what seemed like the millionth time, but he damn well deserved it. "I saw the pain that you caused him. I saw the fact that you tortured him with what you did, how you lied, and did so in knowing what happened with Kaitlyn. I genuinely care about him, Ryan. I genuinely love him, want a future together. I want to continue expanding on what we started together. Do you really think I'd fuck up the first chance that I got?"

"We all make mistakes that we regre-"

"I didn't do that, Ryan. I would never do that." Seeing the look on his face, I hoped that I was getting through to him because it felt like a broken record saying the same thing over in front of him to get his attention.

"As soon as I saw the photo last night, the first thought that crossed my mind was the fact that you took advantage of the first opportunity that you had. No matter how much I wanted to just ignore and think nothing happened, I couldn't. That's why I came over her-"

"You could've been more polite about it. Why don't just come out and ask me what happened? There was no need to just jump down my throat." Ultimately, I think he was hoping I'd confess to something and start the cycle again, so he could jump in as the knight in shining armor and saw his prince charming. We both know that he couldn't totally let Chase go, and to be honest, I couldn't blame him as I wasn't letting him go, ever.

"You're right, and I apologize. It's just I care so much about him. I feel absolutely terrible still for what happened. I will probably feel that way about it forever. I don't want to see him get hurt. I don't want to see something happen, again. That's why I may be a little overprotective right now." I predicted that all perfectly, hence why I hadn't slapped him yet – and I guess I will let him off the property without one this time.

"I understand where you're coming from, just like when I throttled your ass when I found out the truth. So I understand the nerves but I swear Ryan, I would never...." I would swear on any stack of books, or take a polygraph if necessary. There was something special about my peach.

"I believe you, Alex. Just promise me one thing – you'll take care of him, make him feel loved, and be genuine. If something happens, please don't do what I did." I nod my head, knowing that I was certainly above that level, but we'd never cross that bridge. "I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted. Considering Chase will never totally let you out of his life, we do have to find a way to co-exist because it'll be easier for everybody. As long as you promise to stop stalking my ass and give me a bit of a break, I'll be a little easier on you." That doesn't mean that I am letting my guard down, as that's when you always get bit twice as bad.

"I can deal with that."

Taking a deep breath, returning back to the stack of boxes that lied in the shop, I couldn't shake what was on my mind. Sure, there were lots of work to do around here, but the distance over the past couple of days was beginning to feel like way too much?

Why hadn't I just stayed in California? 

Why hadn't I just stayed in California? 

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