Chapter 71: New Feelings

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Alex's POV

Tuesday, December 30 – Dawsonville, Georgia

Something smells really good. Like, heavenly good. I didn't know it was possible for food to smell that damn good, but here we are. There is nothing better than where I am laying right, curled up with Chase, but damn, that smell is making my stomach rumble a lot more than I could've envisioned.

Why does it smell so damn good?

I can't bear to let my stomach rumble and not deliver what it wants. I also need a damn coffee. I know Chase doesn't drink coffee, but he has a coffee maker and makes sure to keep it stock in knowing my addiction. Gotta love that man.

I slowly climb out of bed, very carefully, almost regretting moving as I do so. Perhaps I should lay here until he wakes up. He needs the sleep, but he shouldn't waken alone. Maybe I should wake him up – but wait, he needs the sleep.

Fuck, now I have to pee. I guess I have no choice anymore in the matter.

A quick trip to the bathroom later, and making my way through the house, the smell continues to get stronger. Sausage. Eggs. Toast. Oh heavenly sausage, why do you smell so damn good? There goes my stomach again. What are you doing to me, sausage?

I make my way through the halls, dead set on that coffee I am craving, but also allowing my nose to do the talking right now as if it smelt that good, I had to bet it tasted 10 times better.

Reaching the doorway to the kitchen, though, I freeze in my tracks immediately.

The source of the smell is forgotten. The need for coffee to function this morning is on the backburner. There's a new thought that has taken over my body.

There he stood, focused on the food on the stove, ensuring everything was cooked perfectly with concentration. He was obviously in his own world, though, singing aloud the music that he listened to. I couldn't help but nod my head in return as it was nice to find someone with similar taste. But that didn't matter right now.

My eyes traced every inch of his body. Hair soaked and messy from an obvious shower that morning that now I wish I would've joined him for. I think I may need one if I stay here any longer. Those shoulders, arms toned every single inch showcasing why it appeared every lady wanted to lay their hands on him. The muscle tone of his bear back was to die for, as my hands wanted to trace every inch, while licking that shoulder.

The shorts that he wore didn't hide much, as the leg tone matched everything else that I had seen above. This was one man that I could find myself drooling over easily.

Why hadn't I seen him in this light sooner?

My heart belonged to Chase. He was the perfect mate for me. We were perfect together. We had the chemistry, the feelings, and he was too damn sexy for his own damn good. It almost felt like cheating, standing here staring at another man, but fuck, I hadn't realized how sexy Ryan was until today.

No wonder Chase had an attraction to him all through the years.

"Good morning," he says, snapping me from my thoughts. There was no way that I could let him know that I had been standing here for the past 10 minutes just staring. There was no way that I could let him know about these feelings. I had to remain strong, remember the reasons why he frustrated me. "Breakfast should be ready soon. Is Chase awake?"

"He was still sleeping when I left," I reveal, as I slowly enter the room. I focused my eyes on the coffee maker, knowing that I needed coffee. That was part of my usual morning routine and we know Alex doesn't function without a cup in his hand. I just needed to get my morning fuel and I could escape away. "I figured it was good for him after everything."

"I don't blame you to be honest." I make my way finally over to the coffee maker, which was painfully close to where he stood in the kitchen. Why was this so awkward? Maybe I could try and survive today without coffee to just escape this moment. "Are you okay, Alex?"

"Absolutely. Why would you ask?" Were my damn feelings that damn obvious right now?

"I was just wondering with everything that was going on. I know it can't be easy on you in watching him go through this. I mean, it tears my heart watching him so confused in pain." Crisis avoided, no need to worry as I was. I just needed to focus on the reason why we both stood in this house together, and not his toned body that cried for my attention.

"As I keep saying, the focus is him. As long as he's okay, I'm okay. I just wish sometimes there was more that we could do." Perhaps Ryan and I could plot to kill Kaitlyn together. Between us, we've probably watched enough movies to plot out the perfect murder.

"I hear you. That's why I gave in that night, despite every apprehension. Between you and I, I want you to know that I didn't mean to hurt you in anyway by sleeping with him. I know you mean a lot to him, and I know what you have is special. I didn't mean to cause him to betra-"

"It's fine, Ryan. He explained to me what happened, and I totally understand. Why do you think we had the conversation that we had last night?" There's also this fact that I am very attracted to you, and want to jump your pants right now so I will say anything that may lead down that road in the future.

"I know, but I just wanted to clear the air." Perhaps he wasn't as bad as I was making him out to be – or at least I will believe that so I can fulfill these feelings that I am having.

"Not necessary," but I will accept a kiss as an apology so I can find out if those lips match how wonderful you appear to be before me.

"Are you just putting it off to prote-"

"I am acting awkward because fuck, I can't help but be attracted your ass right now." Oh shit. Here comes awkward Alex making things awkward, and then just that much more rather than fixing it. Why haven't I ever changed?

"I wondered why he reached out to you, but then spending time around you, I began to be jealous because I could see why in many ways. That smile of yours is very adorable, Alex." Fuck, he is going to make me crumble at my knees with those compliments.

"I have been admiring your damn ass as you were dancing in the kitchen." Did I really just admit that out loud, too? What other dumb thing was I going to say today?

"Oh really?" He then closes the gap between us, causing my breath to hitch in my throat. What was happening right now? Was this even supposed to be happening? "You know, it's rude to admire and not appreciate."

"What are you trying to say?" Dumbass, you obviously know what he is trying to say. You might as well either admit it, or push him away and make that stand that you should in this being totally wrong.

"It's rude to stare..." He then leans in, brushing those lips across my cheek. They weren't as soft and tender as Chase's, but fuck, they certainly would feel good wrapped around my cock. "That's why it's better to share."

"I may be up for that," and then some more.

"I'll keep that in mind...." 

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