Chapter 68: Merry Christmas

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Alex's POV

Sunday, December 26 – Charlotte, North Carolina

Normally when I went to see family in Arizona, I took advantage of the travel time and everything, spending a couple days. However, this year was different and for a good reason. I couldn't wait to get home, tell someone I was here, and let him come over.

This was our first Christmas together, and I was ready to make sure it was special for us both.

"I missed you," I tell him, giving him a kiss as he enters the house.

"I missed you, too," he replies back, easily accepting the kiss with a smile. I was glad that we could do that without hesitation or change since everything that had happened. "Did you have fun with the family?"

"Surprisingly, everyone was behaved," and talkative for that matter. It was weird as there were stories and stuff to share all the way around the room. There was even a couple that picked on me for the new nickname, while I had to explain to others it's okay to be a hack right now because hey, look at the greatness that has come from it.

"Well that's good. Christmas still feels weird with Grandma at my parents, but I can't complain one bit as how it went. It's insane how big Starr and Brittany's kids are getting." It was still odd to hear him talk about his sisters. It wasn't a usual conversation that came up, and there were some many questions. How close were they? Was the usual different mother awkwardness there sometimes?

"Do you get to see them much?" I hadn't ever asked about them before, unsure if that was crossing a barrier that I wasn't allowed. However, considering he mentioned it, I felt it was alright.

"Here and there at family get togethers. We're not the closest bunch, but we keep tabs on each other. Brittany swears that she's gonna kick Kaitlyn's ass if she gets away with it." I had to smile, as she was the perfect addition to the mini army with Ryan and I. We had someone who flew planes for the air force, someone who thought he knew what it took to be a storm trooper, and myself.

"I don't see any of us getting a chance because as I said, she's not getting away with it." The change in demeanor was there as soon as he mentioned her name, and I knew that wasn't allowed today. This was our Christmas celebration so we were going to have some fun. "I got you and Fletcher a present, by the way."

"You didn't have to get Fletcher anything." Anybody that knows me is well known about my love for dogs on every level. There's some people that I like their animal better than them – Chase wasn't that case, by the way.

"I figured he was deserving as he spends just as much time with me as you do, and Finn and Roscoe may be offended if I forget him." Actually, I could see those two nut balls stealing the present as it was something all three dogs loved. Thank gosh I already had their toys to them so they would hopefully give Fletcher some space.

"So I hope they're not offended that I did not get them anything." I get it, some people don't think about animals as much as I do. So this is a usual situation that I have just grown used to. Besides, the cuddles, and allowing Finn to sleep over at his house is what matters more.

"I don't think they'll be too concerned as they're spoiled." The small chuckle was perfect, as I handed him the first present, which was for Fletch. I couldn't help but feel my heart swarm when he knelt down with the dog, allowing him to use his paws to rip the wrapping paper off. Fletch was immediately in love, stealing the stuffed animal monkey and taking off running down the hall with it.

"I think he approves." I couldn't argue with him as I knew we'd see him running around for the next hour or so, before passing out with it beside him. A happy puppy made a very happy Alex.

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