하나 | 𝗈𝗇𝖾

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Kang Y/n look at herself in the mirror,her eyes stare at her reflection and no words left her mouth but a loud sigh.

Everything is the same, except one thing which is school. Because of her eyes Kang Y/n is home schooled since elementary.

And now that she is capable of dealing with her insecurities, Kang Y/n don't want to stay under the same roof for god knows how many years,she wants to experience everything as a teenager.

Highschool romance, holding each other's hand on the school hallway, a date at her favourite café after school,movie date at the weekend,she wants to experience them all.

And now here she is, standing inside her room with Seoul Highschool uniform,only if she knew how beautiful she look right now.

Kang Y/n,as soon as she was born everyone was amazed by her eyes,her left eyeball is black in colour,but the right one is grey,light grey actually. But fortunately that doesn't cause her any difficulties in differentiating colour.

But as soon as she turned 4,her world change to black and white, every objects seems to be either black or white to her. They visited the doctor more than ten times but they cannot really name her disease nor find how to cure.

They just name it 'colour blindess' in the end,and Kang Y/n has to bear with it. And the 'colour blind' disease become a secret between her parents and Y/n,only Y/n because the girl don't want people to feel sorry for her,she don't want them to feel pity for her.

Having different eye colour is enough,more than enough.


Her mom walk inside her room and give her a warm smile before walking to her.

"Are you ready?"

Mrs. Jung ask her daughter as she stand next to her,Y/n glace her and her mom's reflection before nodding her head.

"Then I'll go get the car"

And with that,Mrs. Jung leave the room, leaving her daughter alone.

She is nervous, anxious of what will happen when the students see her eyes. She is afraid that she might reveal her illness to an unknown.

But she is eager to see what is waiting for her,what the future holds for her.

"You can do it Kang Y/n"

She mumble to herself before grabbing her bag and leave her room where she spend 90 percent of her life.

𝗦𝗘𝗢𝗨𝗟;9:55 𝗮.𝗺

Kang Y/n look at the students running inside the huge gate,she feel her heart beating against her chest real loud,she has never been to such a crowded place and the students are much more in number than she expected.

"Are you okay?"

Her mom ask her, concerned.

"Yes, I'll get going mom it's getting late"

She said as she unlock the door and get out from the car. Her mom look at her,she can't help but to worry about her only daughter.


Kang Y/n turn around and look at her mom,who is already looking at her from the car.


The young girl smile at her mother,Mrs. Jung can be consider as the best mom, instead of pushing and forcing Y/n to leave the house and communicate,she let her be. And when Y/n make any decision,she think of it thoroughly before agreeing or disagreeing with it.

Kang Y/n make her way through the hallway and she is already mentally disturbed by the stares,she just keep looking down like her shoes are interesting.

'Did you see her eyes?'

'No she just keep looking down but I will surely see it in the class'

'Wait is that Sunghoon?'

'She will regret it if she-'

The murmurs stop as soon as Kang
Y/n bump onto someone. She curse mentally,'nice way to kick of the day

"Are you blind?"

Park Sunghoon glare at the girl who is looking down all the time,and he hates it when the person he talks to doesnt look him in the eye.

"I'm sorry"

Kang Y/n simply bow and try to leave but someone hold her wrist and let her stand back to the spot where she stood not so long ago.

"Look me in the eye and apologize"

His words makes Y/n curse,but she don't find it necessary to look him in the eye because she is afraid. Afraid that he might laugh at her.

And she already apologize once,and she is not doing it twice.

"Can't you hear me?"

Sunghoon roll his eye, completely annoyed by Y/n's attitude.

'Why the hell is she hiding her face? Is she that insecure or just ugly?'

Thought Sunghoon,the male wanted to see her face for some reason. And his eyes shifted to her name tag.

Kang Y/n,
Section A.

"Apologize Kang Y/n"

'They are all going to see it anyway' and with that Kang Y/n lift her head up and look right into Park Sunghoon eyes.

Park Sunghoon just stand still,and everyone in the hallway just look at her, fascinated by her eyes and beauty.

The male stare at her because he thought she is truly and naturally good looking but Kang Y/n stare at him for two reasons.

One, because he is very handsome,he looks ethereal.

And two,she can see colour.


Thank you so much for reading part one,I hope you liked it!

𝗖𝗢𝗟𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗕𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗗 [색맹] - 𝗣.𝗦𝗛✓Where stories live. Discover now