열 두번째| twelve

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"Y/n and Park Sunghoon"

Sports competition between top three schools in Seoul which is held every year turns up,and in figure skating category,Kang Y/n and Park Sunghoon just got paired.

Both look at each other's direction, they were standing at the school playground in a line,and Kang Y/n still feel butterflies,and still see those colours.

And same goes to Park Sunghoon.

No girl in the school practices figure skating and why do they select Kang Y/n out of the blue?

'maybe because of her eyes,they wanted to attract the judges with her beauty and maybe those unique eyes'
That's what the girls who are jealous of Y/n talk about the whole afternoon.

"Park Sunghoon and Kang Y/n,meet me at the school office"

Said Teacher Oh,he then end the announcement by telling the students to go home and started to prepare for the upcoming sport competition.

Seoul highschool is the biggest school,and they had won the sport for 6 times in a raw and the headmaster along with all the staffs and students also wanted to keep that record and also make a new record. 7 years.

Hanlim Highschool and Ilcheon Highschool are the other two school they are going to compete with.

"I don't really understand why they choose Y/n out of the blue, I don't think she likes figure skating either"

Said Sunoo as he walk on the hallway along with Jay,the male stayed silent from the moment they announced that Y/n and Sunghoon are participating in the sports together.

Well he shouldn't be,why? Because he is the one who told Mr. Oh that Y/n could perform figure skating, Sunghoon is known for his master in figure skating and Jay is sure that none of the students are interested in figure skating.

Kang Y/n told him that she always wanted to be a figure skater because it seems fun,her mom would hold her hand and guide her on the ice rink when her vision is black and white.

Besides,Jay knows that neither Y/n nor Sunghoon would talk to each other to fix whatever goes wrong between the two. And Jay is tired of seeing Y/n longing for someone, who's not him. He knows that she find her happiness on Sunghoon and not on him.

So he told Mr. Oh to pair her with Sunghoon,and Sunghoon could probably help her and maybe,maybe they could fix themselves and be happy with each other again.

"Figure skating will carry 10 points and the two of you have to try your best,you will have an evening off everyday before the sport and Sunghoon,you will guide Y/n. I hope you guys maintain a peaceful coexistence. You may go straight to the ice rink and learn the basic steps first. If you have any problem, I'll be on my office"

Mr. Oh said the two students walk out from the office.

Kang Y/n and Park Sunghoon can't calm down their beating heart. It was awkward,very awkward on their way to the ice rink.

'Should I start the conversation?'
Is the question both of them ask each other on their head. Which doesn't help to ease the tension.

Kang Y/n finally wear the figure skates and hold the steel bar,it is her first time trying and she don't even know how to walk.

Park Sunghoon is 16 steps away from her,still putting on his skates,he glance over Y/n who is already looking at him. Asking for help through her eyes.

Sunghoon stands up and walk to Y/n and hold her hand.

"Your first time?"

Park Sunghoon finally start up the conversation.

"Uh y-yeah"

Sunghoon nod his head and guide her inside the rink. It was huge,and Park Sunghoon always feels like home the moment he felt the cold and his skates step the ice.

"Step one is knowing how your skates work"

15 minutes of holding onto each other and teaching each other how to use the skates Kang Y/n finally understand it.

"Step two is balancing,if you learn step two we are almost done in the primary level"

Y/n nod her head and the way Park Sunghoon give his full attention to her,the way he is so concentrated and serious with the ice skating is very.. attractive.

5 p.m and Mr. Oh came to the hall and watch the two who are teaching each other how to balance,their energy is such a match.

"You can go home and get some rest now,you still have a lot to do tomorrow. And Sunghoon, how's

He asked as he approach them. Sunghoon look at Y/n and the girl did the same, colours and butterflies.

"She's a quick learner"

Y/n rolled her eyes mentally,hell no Kang Y/n can't even learn how to balance in 2 hours.

"That's good then,and Y/n do I have to drop you off?"

"No, I will drop her off"

Sunghoon said before Y/n could answer Mr. Oh. He look at Y/n and smile nervously. He can't miss this good chance to apologise to Y/n,he can't miss the chance to get back with her,even though they are never together.

Y/n take off her skates and put it back on it's place, Sunghoon is already done and he is waiting for Y/n.

"Shall we go?"

He asked,Y/n just nod her head and follow Sunghoon out from the hall. The butterflies won't stop flying inside her belly, it's distracting and she hates it.


'It sounds so fucking beautiful when you say my name' Thought Kang Y/n. She is extra whipped and obsessed with Park Sunghoon.


But he hurted her,right?

"I'm sorry"

Words can't fix and mend her broken heart,so many nights she was unable to sleep,staring at their picture and cursing on him but ended up telling the picture how much she liked him.

"I'm sorry for everything I've done, I shouldn't have played you and hurted you, but I can't live without you Y/n, it's hard. I see you in my dreams, you're what I needed"

Oh how Y/n wanted to hug him right away.

"Who knows this might be another bet again?"

Yes that's it Y/n,Park Sunghoon don't deserve to be forgiven this easy.

"Sunghoon I'm tired,please do something if you really want me. You hurted me and apologise after a month,and expected me to forgive you right away? Sunghoon do something, if you really want me and if you really need me,fight for me,find every possible way to have me by your side,try it and fight for me to make us"

She said and tears started to fill her eyes. And every words she said,she meant it.

Park Sunghoon has to fight for Kang

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