삼 | three

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[please read part 4,there is a problem is publishing the parts so part 4 is actually part 3, about the bet, thank you!]

Last bell has rung and Kim Sunoo walk out of the classroom with Jay and Y/n. The change in Kim Sunoo's mood is the visible sign of his disappointment.

But Park Sunghoon will apologise to him,just to take revenge and play Kang Y/n,whom he met today.

I repeat,today.

"Kim Sunoo?"

Called out Park Sunghoon,the trio were walking on the hallway,and as he promised, I mean bet. The male look around the crowd who already fixed their attention to him,and Kim Sunoo.

"What do you want?"

Asked Sunoo as he look at the older with a huge disappointment in his voice plus his face. And Park Sunghoon wanted to cut off all the bet and go home because Park Sunghoon never apologise.


"Yes what do you want Sunghoon?"

Y/n asked with a cute smile on her face,which makes Sunghoon feel terrible,he made the bet and there's no way he is going to take back the bet.

One,Park Sunghoon do not apologise but
Two,Park Sunghoon hated it when someone, especially a girl,let down his ego.

"I am sorry"

Loud gasp could be heard seconds after he apologise,Amkae was shocked too,how could Kang Y/n make Park Sunghoon apologise?


Sunoo eyes lift up,he didn't expected him to apologise this fast.

"I am sorry for what I did today,please forgive me"

Saying those words to Kim Sunoo but his eyes were fixed on Kang Y/n. Jay and Amkae noticed this,and both of them can make up a whole scenario in their head,'what technique of Kang Y/n make Sunghoon apologise?'

"I- it's fine,but I hope it didn't happen again"

His hands on the older's shoulder and a genuine soft smile appear on his face, Kim Sunoo feels good now.


Was the only thing that could leave the taller male's mouth. Kang Y/n smile slightly and leave the crowd with Sunoo and Jay following behind.

'Am I doing it right?'
Was the only question repeated in her mind, should she cancel the bet? But why? What if Sunghoon think that he could win over her? But what if they ended up kissing and him being her boyfriend?

"Yah Y/n?"

Jay shook her shoulder lightly, making the girl look at him,she is too into her head.

"Me and Sunoo are going to grab a coffee are you coming too?"

The male asked for the third time,Y/n seems to be thinking as she bit her lower lip,eyes looking at Jay's loose necktie.


Y/n answered with a smile spread across her face,this is what she wanted right? To make new friends and hangout.

Friends,they stick by your side even on your worst,you just clicked when you both met for the first time. Kang Y/n and Kim Sunoo felt that the very time.

But Jay don't.

"Why did you apologise Sunghoon oppa?"

Asked Amkae, Sunghoon just look at her for a second and flip his hair. Sometimes, Amkae crossed the personal boarder between a friend and a friend and invade into something that she shouldn't.

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