둘 | 𝗍𝗐𝗈

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Everything just seems to be perfect,and Kang Y/n feel her world slowly blooming,she can see how Sunghoon brown eyes stare right into hers. And everything seems to be alive,but Kang Y/n is still confuse.

"Sunghoon oppa!"

Park Sunghoon look away as he finds himself staring at the girl way too long,and Y/n's world turn back to black and white.

She didn't turn her head to see who the girl is because she is not interested in Sunghoon and his business. But she just see colours after many years and it felt nice,felt nice to have a proper vision like everyone inside the school.

Amkae (A/n: Amkae means bitch in Korean) smile widely as she make her way to Sunghoon,but is confused by the students attention to the new girl,but she isn't surprise by how Park Sunghoon was quick enough to interact with her. What do you expect from a playboy anyway?

"Don't you think it's too early to shoot your shot?"

Amkae ask as she hit Sunghoon with her elbow as they watch Y/n walk to the classroom. Sunghoon just turn around and walk to the classroom which is not far from Y/n's.

Y/n sit on the back of the class next to the window and the bell immediately ring, causing her to flinch a little bit. And soon after that she feel someone's presence next to her.

"Excuse me?"

The girl turn around and look at the male who just speak,even though Y/n can see only black and white colour,she was surprised by how the male look.

"Woah your eyes are beautiful"

He complimented,Sunoo the dramatic ass is always like this.


He smile widely,making his eyes turn small and take a look closer to Y/n's eyes.

"Is it so? Thank you so much"

Y/n smile at him and bow lightly but before they start up the real conversation a tall male interrupt them.

"Sunoo back to your seat"

Said the male,he bag hanging on the right side of his shoulder and hands inside his pocket. The younger male sigh and smile cutely to Y/n.

"Bye Y/n"

Waving his hand Sunoo walk back to his seat,the girl nod her head and look down to her table.

Jay look at the girl for a split second and sit down next to her,Jay is the smart one but he don't have much friends,many people know him but he don't know 80 percent of them.

He is low-key curious about Y/n's eyes. Some students talk about it on his way to the class,some said it was beautiful but some said it was ugly,maybe out of jealousy?

The whole class, nothing really happened between Kang Y/n and Jay,both don't start up a single conversation or glance at each other. Jay don't want to make Y/n uncomfortable because of his curiousity.

The school bell rang,making Y/n flinch while holding her pen,Jay saw this and smile a little, he finds it kind of cute.

"Y/n you don't have any friends right?"

Asked Sunoo as he make his way to Jay and Y/n as soon as the bell rang. The girl look up to the male and nod her head slowly.

"Great! Now come with us for lunch"

Sunoo grab her wrist, causing the girl to stand up. Jay finds how Y/n still can't manage and catch up with Sunoo and his energetic personality.

"You go first Sunoo,I will take her with me"

Sunoo then look at his hyung and blink twice,his dramatic face shows that he is kind of shocked,why? Why not because Jay Park never ever touch or accidentally bump to a girl. Never.

"Sure but don't be late,you know the seats inside the cafeteria is only around half of the school students"

Said Sunoo,he let go of Y/n's hand and smile at her. He seems to be producing vitamin D because his smile shines bright as the sun.

"Spare two seats for me and Y/n then"

The older male look at the younger,Sunoo nods his head before waving at them and leave the classroom.

'I swear Jay hyung has a tiny crush on Y/n'

Jay look up at Y/n,who is already looking down at him. And their eyes met,Kang Y/n was surprised by his manly vocal and now his visuals. Even though her world is black and white, Jay Park perfect features cannot be left unseen to her.

"Let's go?"

Asked Jay,Y/n nod her head before smiling a little,she feels much more comfortable with Jay,he is not too loud and that is perfect for Y/n.

The two students walk together on the hallway and as expected,some girls and mean boys would whisper and murmur into each other's ears about the new commer Kang Y/n and one of the school bestest boy Jay Park.

"Do you feel uncomfortable?"

The male asked,he is concerned about Y/n because he had experienced how hard it is to be everyone's hot topic and you never knew is it good or bad. And he also see how Y/n look down and play with her thumb.

On the other hand the girl look up at Jay and shake her head with a small smile on her face. She feel butterflies on her stomach just because of Jay's question. Her dad passed away when she was in diaper and she never experienced how is it to be loved or cared by a man.

"You can hold my hand if you feel uncomfortable"

Jay said as he give his left hand to
Y/n. The girl look at it for a moment,but before she could hold his hand Sunoo came out, looking not so happy from the cafeteria.



Can you guess the second lead in this series? Jay, Sunoo or any of the Enha member?

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