Danger in Inazuma

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Life as a fatui harbinger is difficult most of the time. But I had my own reasons on why I became one. I had been requested to meet Signora but that meant swimming through the crowd. I checked the area and everyone was there. I carefully went through the vision hunt decree ceremony and nobody saw me. I held the hat close to my chest. I glanced at the Archon, The Almighty Shogun.

She's gotten a lot of interest in this thing of "eternity" or "Plane of Euthymia" which I dont understand. The Shogun is a very strict archon, and the nation rules that she rules over are pretty strict too. It was a long time ago I came to Inazuma, I was only a few months old that time when I came. That was before I got my first vision.

(Okay let's pretend or act like raiden is scaramouche sister aight?)

The Raiden Shogun has had her eyes on me since I'm her brother. I've had lectures, scolding, discipline and much more that shes given me, and it's always about turning my life back into her hands.. but I will never go back to being a puppet. She can dream on.

I snuck my way through the big crowd of people, holding my hat to my chest to make it easier for me to squeeze through. As I continued walking to Tenshukaku, I saw a brown hair boy with dog ears. He had clothes that were kind of exposing but that's Inazuma for you I guess..

I walked up the stairs and greeted him. At first he had a smile, then it turned into disappointment. I'm assuming he's a mama's boy, acting all tough like he was told to in order to keep a "Guard-like" impression. But his happy tail wagging said otherwise.

"Hey, brother to the Shogun. May I pass?" I asked as I put the hat back on.

He was observing me and my surroundings. I had no fatui agents or Signora and Childe with me. He walked up to the door and opened it for me. I wasnt expecting of him to do that but he did it anyways. Even as a Harbinger myself? Or perhaps he wasn't aware of who I was.

I walked through the doors.

He gave me mean glares as I entered the building. The doors closed behind me with a small bit of thud which make me flinch. I always got annoyed when that happened, but it was necessary because the doors don't close if you add barely any pressure like a normal door. As I entered Tenshukaku I met my colleagues, Signora and Childe. Childe is a harbinger I gladly hate. He makes fun of my height and he is way too full of himself.

"Hey comrade Scaramouche! Must have been easy to pass through the ceremony since you're so tiny!" He yelled with a sly smirk.

This guy.. I never felt so offended. I naruto ran towards him and tackled him. You know, like when he- okay no. I grabbed his neck and strangled him. Childe yelled as he tried getting me off of him. I then felt a hard cold stone being thrown at the back of my neck. I flinched at the sudden attack as I turned around to see Signora.

"Don't piss me off boys." She said with a dead panned expression. I was then turned on my back violently.

Childe noticed Signora's and pinned me down on the wooden floor.

"THROW MORE AT HIM COME ON!" He yelled as his hands were on my wrists. I gasped as I tried kicking him off of me.

"Get off of me you punk!" I retorted as I tried to release myself from this freak's grip. But it was difficult.

His grip became tighter than usual. It started hurting but I held my horses. I was finally freed by Childe at last after being pinned on for a while. I stood up and dusted myself off. My wrists were red like apples, formed in handprints of Childe.

"Get to the point, why was I summoned here in the first place?" I asked irritated.

Signora gave me a glare that clearly showed that she was matching my energy.

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