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"I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be. And satisfaction feels like a distant memory. And I can't help myself, all I wanna hear her say is 'Are you mine?'"

. . .

I managed to not get drunk. Yes, I had a shot of tequila to get the blood flow and I feel hot, but I'm not drunk.

Donia, however, is.

I don't know what she has in her system, but I want it.

She's jumping up and down, never seeming to run out of energy, and grinds down on everyone as she dances.

Reed has been coming onto the dancefloor as well, dancing around and having a good time, proving that you don't need alcohol to have fun.

The others join us as well. Everyone is having fun, and I feel alive.

Tonight is the first time since England that I've laughed out loud.

I'm dancing around people as well, having the time of my life.

"Hey there, beautiful," a voice whispers, and I turn around, seeing a guy around my age standing in front of me.

His hair is dirty blonde and he has dark brown eyes. "Hi," I grin, and don't stop dancing.

"I've had my eyes on you all night," he says and comes closer. I let him, not minding the closeness.

"Did you now?" I ask and tilt my head to the side. I take his hand and pull him closer. "Tonight is your lucky night, then."

He smirks, and I have to admit that he's hot.

Just not the kind of hot that has me drenching my panties at first sight. And he doesn't make me tingle all over and...

Shut the fuck up.

"I'm Easton," he introduces himself.

"Fallon," I reply. 

"This is your first time here? Haven't seen you around," he asks and pulls my back against his front.

"First time," I confirm, "it's my birthday."

"Oh, your birthday, huh?" he asks and runs his hands down my body. I nod and lean my head against his shoulder, closing my eyes and picturing for one second that it's someone else standing there.

"We gotta celebrate, don't we?"

"Yes," I agree, and that's what we do.

We've been dancing partners for the past hour, and I don't mind the hands on me. My arms are wrapped around his neck, and we've only been growing closer until one of his hands is resting on my ass.

"You're so hot," he whispers and skims his lips across my cheek. I turn my head and let our lips meet in a kiss.

He lets out a deep groan and takes a handful of my ass, squeezing me.

I part my lips for his tongue and welcome him.

His hand on my ass guides me towards his hardening dick, but I don't feel a zap of electricity go through me.

Please, don't let Nicholas have ruined me for other men. Please, please.

I continue to kiss Easton, and I continue letting his hands explore me. But I just don't feel it.

I can't.

And I hate myself for it. It frustrates me so much that it has tears springing to my eyes.

Parting my lips from his, he looks down at me with a frown. "Everything okay?"

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