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{3rd person P.O.V.}

Brielle started at her new high school just two days after she arrived at Tulsa, she'd been going there for a month now. She tried her best at this school, to get people to like her. She'd even made a few other friends besides the gang.

However, this wasn't good enough for Dally. Because, Brielle kept doing bad things. Like smoking weed or drinking. It was pretty confusing to Brielle. No one else cared enough to tell her not to do those things before, what made them care so much now? She was used to being independent, doing things she wanted, whenever she wanted without hardly any consequences. It was different now. Dally wanted to know where she was going and who she'd be with. It was too much, too much and too big of a change for Brielle to handle. Sometimes, she felt as if Dally missed her so much before that now he suffocating her now because he was afraid to lose her again.

Brielle walked down the sidewalk, her and Dally had got into a screaming match because he caught Brielle smoking again. He said "you're just like Dad!", because Brielle was refusing to vhange for the better, and that caused Brielle to leave without looking back. Even after Dally followed her down the steps, apologizing. She wanted to leave. To go back home. She would've taken all of the beatings from her Dad again than have Dally suffocating her. She might've just ran away if Ponyboy hadn't invaded her thoughts.

Ponyboy and Brielle had became extremely close and over the last few weeks Brielle realized that she may have had a crush on him. Johnny told Brielle that Ponyboy said he thought Brielle was cute. That was all. Sure, Brielle's heart raced when she heard that Ponyboy thought she was cute but she knew that those weren't real feelings. She could think that Soda was cute all day long, did that mean she wanted to be with him? Not in the slightest.

"Darry, Soda, anybody!" Brielle was knocked from her thoughts by the sound of Ponyboy's voice. At first, she thought she was hearing things until she heard him shout again. Brielle ran to the place where she thought the noise was coming from. She was right, Ponyboy was getting jumped. Ponyboy struggled against the Soc's that were dragging a knife along his neck, a thick red liquid oozed from the wound that the Soc's had created.

"What the hell are you doing?!" The group looked at Brielle and smirked. Brielle appeared harmless, as most people did, and most times she was able to take that to her advantage.

"Looks like this little Greaser has a girlfriend." Brielle walked towards them as she pulled out her switch. Dally had given it to her after he told her all about Soc's and Greasers. The groups hands flew up in the air, as an act of surrendering as they backed away from Ponyboy and Brielle.

"Wow chick, calm down." One dude laughed. Brielle cocked her head to the side, anger boiled in the pit of her stomach. She hated being told to calm down and being called a chick. Put those in the same sentence and it was a simple recipe for disaster.

"Don't tell me to calm down, or I'll gut you like a fish." Brielle suddenly heard feet hitting against the pavement behind her. She watched as the gang ran towards the Soc's trying to beat the hell out of them. With them taking care of the Soc's, Brielle could now take care of Ponyboy who quivered on the ground. She flipped her switched away and went to Ponyboy, her eyes tracing over him in an attempt to find anymore injuries that were less obvious.

"Brielle-" Ponyboy started to say, but Brielle grabbed his chin lightly which made him shut up quickly. She wasn't paying attention to his words or his face, just the space below his chin. He looked down at her, as her eyebrows knitted together while she focused. Ponyboy's body was already hot from the panic of the situation that just happened, but at Brielle's fingers grazed the nape of his neck he felt the blazing temperature only grow.

"You're bleeding." Brielle announced as Soda came over and handed her his handkerchief. Ponyboy's eyes went wide. Was he really? He wasn't squeamish around blood, but he knew Brielle was. As tough as she looked, the sight of blood was her weak spot.

"I-I am?" Ponyboy squeaked before he cleared his throat. Brielle nodded as she pressed the handkerchief softly against his skin. He winced slightly.

"Sorry." She muttered, feeling Ponyboy's eyes on her as her put his hand on the handkerchief so he could hold it himself. Ponyboy was paler than a ghost and he still was shaking like a leaf in the fall, if she hadn't seen the scene before she would've thought he was terribly sick.

Brielle stood up and backed away from Ponyboy, finally allowing Darry to talk to him. The gang had returned by now and the Soc's were long gone. Brielle wished she would've looked at their license plate, but she hadn't and she doubted if she did that the boy's would've gotten in trouble anyways. That puzzled her, she got in trouble for beating up some girl who was spreading rumors about her but she got in trouble. But when the Soc's beat up innocent Greasers who were simply trying to walk home they never got in trouble. It didn't make much sense.

"Brielle." She sighed as she turned to face Dallas. Brielle readied herself for him to yell at her or scold her for running off, but what he said next surprised her. "I'm proud of you." She looked up at him, like she did most times, as confusion swirled in her eyes. No one, quite literally no one, had ever said that to Brielle. She hated how good it made her feel for someone to just be proud of her. It was such a simple thing, yet it made her feel so elated.

"What?" He looked around, making sure no one was listening. Dally didn't hand out just hand out compliments, but he had a soft spot for Brielle. She was his sister, why wouldn't he?

"Do you know what would have happened if you didn't do anything? They would have killed Ponyboy." Brielle shrugged. Of course she did, that's why she got between them.

Dally viewed Brielle's actions as her being a hero. She saw them as actions that anyone else would've done.
Word Count:1,087

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