Chapter 2

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"So Hyuka. Shall I treat you to ice cream?" The leader says falling into his bed next to the youngest.

"That's your idea of a date?"

"Well, I've never been on one before."

"Don't tell me I'm the first person you've been with."

"Not the first person I've-"

"Wait you've dated someone before?"

"Let me finish my sentence. I've never dated anyone, but one time in middle school. I liked this girl and thought she liked me, and we would kiss and hold hands, but turns out she had a boyfriend and was using me to cheat to make him prove that he loved her or something, so no I have never dated anyone."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's embarrassing," The leader says stuffing his face into the pillow with a sigh.

"Aww you're cute," Huening says as he moves the elder's head and leans in for a kiss.

The kiss is reciprocated and the two boys stay there, basking in each other's presence. It had been 3 days since they had the conversation in the cafe. They told the other two members who's reactions were basically all like Yeonjuns. But Taehyuns was a lot less filled with information they deemed useless.

"What do you want to do then?"

"Icecream is fine. But so short. What should we do after?"

"Uhh I'm not sure. I've never been on a date before... have you?"

"Hyung, you would have known if I did right?"

"Well I mean, you can have your own secrets."

"I actually have."

"Huh when?"

"In my first year of highschool, me and this girl went out. I thought we were just going as friends when she asked me. But at the end she said it was a date."

"That doesn't count if you didn't even know."

"Pretty sure it's better than your situation tho," Huening says sending the elder a smirk.

"Oh shut up," Soobin says rolling his eyes and leaning into Hueningkai for another kiss.


"Yah! Soobin, Hueningkai! We got stuff to do hurry up!"

"Five more minutes Hyung, we're tired."

"Maybe you shouldn't have stayed up playing video games, think about your sleep next time Hyuka. But right now we have dance practice and we're getting an important announcement to listen to."

"Okay, okay, we're up," the leader starts stretching his arms, "What time do we have to leave exactly?"

"At seven."

"Ahh right, thank you Yeonjun-Hyung."

"Right, be ready. I don't wanna get in trouble. Later lovebirds," Yeonjun says turning around and slamming the door on his way out.

The elder of the two gets off the bed and starts to pat down the side of the bed that he had slept on while the youngest groans and flops his head back into his pillow.

"Hyuka. It's time to get up," Soobin says stretching.

"But Hyung I-" He starts sitting up in a slouch, "Wait- why are you s-," The youngest gets interrupted by a kiss on his lips.

"It's a good morning kiss. Morning Hyuka," The elder says smiling down into his eyes while cupping his cheek and giving him a dimpled smile.

"Okay, I'm up," He says straightening his back and keeping eye contact.

The two just stay in their positions in an awkward pause that is until a shuffle distracts them.

Peeking over to where the noise came from the two boys see that the disturbance came from the hedgehog Choi Odi who decided that he was hungry and started to roll around and make noise as his cage shook a little.

"Oh my god- this freaking Odi will be the death of me," He says removing his hand from the younger's face and heading over to Odi. "When are you even so energetic in the morning-. You know what- whatever Choi Odi. You just hate me don't you," Are the sentences Soobin mumbles as he gets the food for his pet and gives it to him.

"Uhh well Hyung. I'm gonna go get ready," Hyuka says getting off the bed.

"Ya see you later Kai. Hope you slept well."

"I did!" Kai giggles on his way out and heads for his bedroom.


"You slept in Soobin Hyung's room last night?" Was the first question that bombarded him as soon as he entered the room.

"Oh ya. What's wrong, did you miss me?"

"Of course not, whatever."

"Aww Taehyun, if you missed me just say so, I would ditch Soobin for you," The taller boy says cooing and the shorter.

"If you keep talking, you won't have anytime to get ready. I recommend you go take a shower, we have to leave soon."

"Why didn't yeonjun-hyung wake us up earlier?" The younger groans as he checks the time.

"You guys aren't babies, you can take care of yourselves."

"I know that but-."

"I'm messing with you, he also slept in, Beomgyu was going to make fun of him but then they found out that you two were still asleep. Oh well, it's sad that Beomgyu was the only person who woke up in time."

"You didn't?"

"I woke up after him, still on time tho. Anyways go and shower," Taehyun Humphs stomping one foot on the ground and letting out a little noise, making the taller boy let out his unique laugh. "You're laughing now, but when Soobin says you're stinky then there will be bigger issues for you."

"Wait-," the younger stops laughing and looks up at his best friend, "how do you- know..."

"Do I look dumb to you? I also might have accidentally walked in on you and Soobin last night."

"What- when!?"

"Don't worry about it, go shower," He says grabbing his phone and exciting his room.

Heading towards the bathroom, Hueningkai also spots a familiar space headed in the same direction.

They had done it many times before, all the members have. Bathing together, nothing had to be different. So why was his heart beating as fast as when they won their first award? Why was he shaking as he started to undress in the bathroom and get into the shower-. Oh that's right, because he's dating Soobin.

"Kai you need to chill, we just have to shower. I can wait out here and just let you shower first if you're scared or something."

"But... we've done it before but now I-."

"It's okay," the Leader starts, flashing him a smile, "I know you're nervous, it's ok," Soobin says bringing a hand up to the Youngers face and pulling him towards himself, "there will be plenty time for things in the future," he whispers setting a kiss onto his lips,
"For now, we have Idol things to do," he finishes taking a step back.

Kai takes a shower, was it actually one that cleaned him- I mean it has to be right? He just stood there for 5 minutes and allowed the water to splash onto him as the feeling of soft lips was slowly washed off.

Lemme know if you see any typos or loop holes. I'm trying to make this flawless 😃 Bye!!

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