Am I Mad?

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My happiness rush dissapears. I don't know what to say, do or think. I'm just blinded by the fact that I always find myself going mad.

Consume in guilt of every little thing I have done in life, even if it's good I turn it bad, and I always end up being sad. Even tho I'm just mad

I point out everyone I have and try to blame them for who I am. Clearly it's not their fault I'm going mad, but I have a proud to guard.

and  I'll do so until I end up alone with only myself as confort, hold on that's not true at all.

Im exhausted and hurting. Not only mental but physical. My body is giving me the 5% battery charge, and I don't have any intentions to charge it up

I'm writing this poem while I'm in class, that shows how much of a disappointment I am.

They all think I'm trying hard but I just zoom out of class, finding myself in my own world, ignoring the fact that I'm letting everyone down, that's like my daily routine now.

My head is pounding, my heart is drowning, my soul already left my body and now I'm unhappy. I'm a mess, going insane, and just for a moment I thought people actually cared.

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