Lost soulmate

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We gave each other another chance, even when everyone around us said that was messed up.

You told me you'll wait for me until the end of time, but four days later you disappear without leaving tracks

You told me that you loved me and we where perfectly fine, but then you blocked me on everything without saying goodbye

What did I do wrong? Was I ever that bad to you, because I can recall it was always about yourself and never something else

You waited until I told you I love you , just so u could destroy my heart in pieces. Even if I'm the one who knows you, that never stopped me from thinking

Maybe you were just a stranger, I lie that I told myself. Maybe each time you told me you loved me, it was meant for someone else

You got me searching for you all over social media, desperate for your love, maybe that way I got the idea, you truly don't want something more

Like a decent human being, you could of said goodbye but like I always told you, you are one of a kind

I gave u my best and u didn't care
But now is when I understand u are nothing more than a lie
Maybe in my day dreams you could of said. Unlike you I'll always say my goodbyes

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